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Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A, N-Channel Dual ChipFET™
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitStaticGate Threshold Voltage V V = V , I = 250 A 0.6−− VGS(th) DS GS DGate−Body Leakage I V = 0 V, V = 12 V−− 100 nAGSS DS GSZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I V = 16 V, V = 0 V−− 1.0 ADSSDS GSV = 16 V, V = 0 V, −− 5.0DS GST = 85°CJOn−State Drain Current (Note 3) I V 5.0 V, V = 4.5 V 10−− AD(on) DS GSDrain−Source On−State Resistance (Note 3) rV = 4.5 V, I = 3.1 A− 0.065 0.075 DS(on) () GS DV = 2.5 V, I = 2.3 A− 0.115 0.143GS DForward Transconductance (Note 3) g V = 10 V, I = 3.1 A− 8.0− Sfs DS DDiode Forward Voltage (Note 3) V I = 0.9 A, V = 0 V− 0.8 1.2 VSD S GSDynamic (Note 4)Total Gate Charge Q− 4.0 6.0 nCgV V = 10 V 10 V, V V = 4.5 V 45 V, DS GSGate−Source Charge Q− 0.6−gsI = 3.1 AI = 3.1 AD DGate−Drain Charge Q− 1.3−gdTurn−On Delay Time t− 12 18 nsd(on)V = 10 V, R = 10 DD LRise Time t− 35 55rII 10 1.0 A, V A V = 4 = 4.5 V 5 V,D D GE GEN NTurn−Off Delay Time t− 19 30d(off)R R = 6 6 G GFall Time t− 9.0 15fSource−Drain Reverse Recovery Time t I = 0.9 A, di/dt = 100 A/s− 40 80rr F2. Surface Mounted on 1″ x 1″ FR4 Board.3. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300 s, Duty Cycle 2%.4. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing.