NTHD4502NT1 ,Power MOSFET 30 V, 2.9 A, Dual N-Channel, ChipFET™Maximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (notORDERING INFORMATIONno ..
NTHD4508NT1 ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A, Dual N-Channel, ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min T ..
NTHD4508NT1G ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A, Dual N-Channel, ChipFET™2NTHD4508NTYPICAL PERFORMANCE CURVES (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)J88V = 5 V to 3 VGST = 25°CJ ..
NTHD4N02FT1 ,Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode 20 V, 2.7A, N-Channel, w/1.0 A Schottky Barrier Diode, ChipFET™2NTHD4N02FTYPICAL MOSFET PERFORMANCE CURVES (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)J88V = 5 V to 3 VGST = ..
NTHD4N02FT1G ,Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode 20 V, 2.7A, N-Channel, w/1.0 A Schottky Barrier Diode, ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min T ..
NTHD4P02FT1 ,Power MOSFET and Schottky Diode 20 V, 2.1A, Single P-Channel w/ 1.0 A Schottky Barrier Diode, ChipFET2NTHD4P02FTYPICAL MOSFET PERFORMANCE CURVES (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)J44V = −6 V to −3 V T ..
OV6680 , optimal low-light sensitivity and pixel performance for video conferencing cameras in 3G mobile phones
OV6680 , optimal low-light sensitivity and pixel performance for video conferencing cameras in 3G mobile phones
OV-7604-C7 , Low Power Clock Oscillator 32.768 kHz
OV7670 , 1/6 inch VGA CameraChip for ultra-thin camera modules
OV7670 , 1/6 inch VGA CameraChip for ultra-thin camera modules
Power MOSFET 30 V, 2.9 A, Dual N-Channel, ChipFET™
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V V = 0 V, I = 250 A 30 36 V(BR)DSS GS DZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I V = 0 V, V = 24 V 1.0 ADSS GS DSV = 0 V, V = 24 V, T = 125°C 10GS DS JGate−to−Source Leakage Current I V = 0 V, V = 20 V 100 nAGSS DS GSON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 6)Gate Threshold Voltage V V = V , I = 250 A 1.0 1.65 3.0 VGS(TH) GS DS DDrain−to−Source On−Resistance R V = 10 V, I = 2.9 A 78 85 mDS(on) () GS DV = 4.5 V, I = 2.2 A 105 140GS DForward Transconductance g V = 15 V, I = 2.9 A 3.8 SFS DS DCHARGES AND CAPACITANCESInput Capacitance C 140 pFISSV = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz, GSOutput Capacitance C 53OSSV V = 15 V = 15 VDS DSReverse Transfer Capacitance C 16RSSpFInput Capacitance C 135 250ISSV = 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz, GSOutput Capacitance C 42 75OSSV V = 24 V = 24 VDS DSReverse Transfer Capacitance C 13 25RSSTotal Gate Charge Q 3.6 7.0 nCG(TOT)Threshold Gate Charge Q 0.3G(TH)V V = = 10 V 10 V, , V V = = 15 V 15 V, , GS GS DS DSI = 2.9 ADGate−to−Source Charge Q 0.6GSGate−to−Drain Charge Q 0.7GDTotal Gate Charge Q 1.9 nCG(TOT)Threshold Gate Charge Q 0.3G(TH)V V = 4.5 V = 4.5 V, , V V = = 24 V 24 V, , GS GS DS DSI = 2.9 ADGate−to−Source Charge Q 0.6GSGate−to−Drain Charge Q 0.9GD6. Pulse Test: Pulse Width 300 s, Duty Cycle 2%.