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Trench Power MOSFET 8.0 V, 3.4 A Dual P-Channel ChipFet™
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage (Note 2) V V = 0 V, I = −250 A −8.0 − − V(Br)DSS GS DTemperature Coefficient (Positive)Gate−Body Leakage Current Zero I V = 0 V, V = 8.0 V − 100 nAGSS DS GSZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I V = −6.4 V, V = 0 V − −1.0 ADSS DS GSV = −6.4 V, V = 0 V, − −5.0DS GST = 85°CJON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)Gate Threshold Voltage V V = V , I = −250 A −0.45 − −1.5 VGS(th) DS GS DStatic Drain−to−Source On−Resistance R V = −4.5 V, I = −3.4 A − 50 58 mDS(on) GS DV = −2.5 V, I = −2.7 A − 68 85GS DV = −1.8 V, I = −1.0 A − 100 160GS DForward Transconductance g V = −5.0 V, I = −3.4 A − 8.0 − SFS DS DDiode Forward Voltage V I = −1.1 A, V = 0 V − −0.8 −1.2 VSD S GSDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSInput Capacitance C V = −6.4 V − 715 − pFiss DSOutput Capacitance C V = 0 V − 160 −oss GSTransfer Capacitance C f = 1.0 MHz − 120 −rssSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3Turn−On Delay Time t V = −6.4 V 8.0 − nsd(on) DDRise Time t V = −4.5 V 20 −r GSTurn−Off Delay Time t I = −3.2 A 20 −d(off) DFall Time t R = 2.0 15 −f GGate Charge Q V = −2.5 V 8.0 16 nCg GSQ I = −3.2 A 2.2 −gs DQ V = −6.4 V 4.0 −gd DSSource−Drain Reverse Recovery Time t I = −0.9 A, di/dt = 100 15 30 nArr F2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width = 250 s, Duty Cycle = 2%.3. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperatures.