NTD20P06LT4G ,Power MOSFET 60 V, 15 A, Single P-Channel DPAKELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Ty ..
NTD23N03RT4 ,Power MOSFET 23A, 25V, N-Channel DPAKELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise specified)J Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Ma ..
NTD23N03RT4G ,Power MOSFET 23A, 25V, N-Channel DPAKMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise specified)J GParameter Symbol Value UnitDrain−to−Source ..
NTD24N06 ,Power MOSFET 24 Amps, 60 Volts N-Channel DPAKELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
NTD24N06L ,Power MOSFET 24 Amps, 60 Volts N-Channel DPAKMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JRating Symbol Value UnitDrain−to−Source Voltage V ..
OR2T15A-6S208 , Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
OR2T15B , Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
OR2T40A-2PS208 , Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
OR2T40A-2PS208 , Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
OR2T40A-6BA352I , Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
OR2T40A-6BA352I , Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
Power MOSFET 60 V, 15 A, Single P-Channel DPAK
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitsOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V V = 0 V, I = −250 A −60 −74 V(BR)DSS GS DDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V /T −64 mV/°C(BR)DSS JTemperature CoefficientZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I T = 25°C −1.0 ADSS JV V = 0 V = 0 V,,GS GS V = −60 VDS T = 150°C −10JGate−to−Source Leakage Current I V = 0 V, V = ±20 V ±100 nAGSS DS GSON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3)Gate Threshold Voltage V V = V , I = −250 A −1.0 −1.5 −2.0 VGS(TH) GS DS DGate Threshold Temperature Coefficient V /T 3.1 mV/°CGS(TH) JDrain−to−Source On Resistance RV = −5.0 V, I = −7.5 A 0.130 0.150 DS(on) () GS DV = −5.0 V, I = −15 A 0.143GS D Forward Transconductance g V = −10 V, I = −7.5 A 11 SFS DS DDrain−to−Source On−Voltage V T = 25°C −1.2 VDS(on) () JV V = = −5.0 V 5.0 V,,GS GSI = −7.5 ADT = 150°C −1.9JCHARGES AND CAPACITANCESInput Capacitance C 740 1190 pFISSOutput Capacitance C 207 300V = 0 V, f = 1 MHz, V = −25 VOSSGS GS DS DSReverse Transfer Capacitance C 66 120RSSTotal Gate Charge Q 15 26 nCG(TOT)V = −5.0 V, V = −48 V,GS DS Gate−to−Source Charge Q 4.0GSII = = −−18 A 18 AD DGate−to−Drain Charge Q 7.0GDSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4)Turn−On Delay Time t 11 20 nsd(ON)Rise Time t 90 180rV V = = −5.0 V 5.0 V,, V V = = −30 V 30 V,,GS GS DD DDI = −15 A, R = 9.1 D GTurn−Off Delay Time t 28 50d(OFF)Fall Time t 70 135fDRAIN−SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICSForward Diode Voltage V T = 25°C 1.5 2.5 VSD JV V = 0 V 0 V, II = −15 A 15 AGS ST = 150°C 1.3JReverse Recovery Time t 60 nsRRCharge Time t 39aV V = 0 V = 0 V,, d d /d /d = 100 = 100 A/ A/s, s,GS GS IS IS ttI = −12 ASDischarge Time t 21bReverse Recovery Charge Q 0.13 nCRR3. Pulse Test: pulse width 300 s, duty cycle 2%4. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperatures