NTB6412AN ,NTB6412ANELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C Unless otherwise specified) JCharacteristics Symbol Test Condi ..
NTB6412ANG , N-Channel Power MOSFET 100 V, 58 A, 18.2 mΩ
NTB6412ANT4G , N-Channel Power MOSFET 100 V, 58 A, 18.2 mΩ
NTB6413AN ,Power MOSFET, 100 V, 42 A, 28 mΩ, N-ChannelELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C Unless otherwise specified) JCharacteristics Symbol Test Condi ..
NTB6413ANG , N-Channel Power MOSFET 100 V, 42 A, 28 mΩ
NTB6413ANT4G , N-Channel Power MOSFET 100 V, 42 A, 28 mΩ
OPA860ID ,Wide Bandwidth OPERATIONAL TRANSCONDUCTANCE AMPLIFIER (OTA) and BUFFERFEATUREScentered about zero. The transconductance of the• Low Quiescent Current (11.2mA)OTA can be ..
OPA860IDRG4 ,Wide Bandwidth Operational Transconductance Amplifier and Buffer 8-SOIC -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V = ±5V (continued)SR = 500Ω and R = 250Ω, unless otherwise noted.L ADJ ..
OPA875 ,Single 2:1 High-Speed Video MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V = ±5V (continued)SAt G = +2 and R = 150Ω, unless otherwise noted.LOPA ..
OPA875IDG4 ,Single 2:1 High-Speed Video Multiplexer 8-SOIC FEATURES DESCRIPTION2• 700MHz SMALL-SIGNAL BANDWIDTHThe OPA875 offers a very wideband, single-chann ..
OPA875IDGKR ,Single 2:1 High-Speed Video Multiplexer 8-VSSOP ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: V = ±5VSAt G = +2 and R = 150Ω, unless otherwise noted.LOPA875MIN/MAX O ..
OPA875IDGKTG4 ,Single 2:1 High-Speed Video Multiplexer 8-VSSOP MAXIMUM RATINGSOver operating temperature range, unless otherwise noted.OPA875 UNITPower Supply ±6. ..
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C Unless otherwise specified) JCharacteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V V = 0 V, I = 250 A 100 V(BR)DSS GS DDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage Temper- V /T 103 mV/°C(BR)DSS Jature CoefficientZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I V = 0 V,T = 25°C 1.0 ADSS GS JV = 100 VDST = 125°C 100JGate−to−Source Leakage Current I V = 0 V, V = 20 V 100 nAGSS DS GSON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)Gate Threshold Voltage V V = V , I = 250 A 2.0 4.0 VGS(th) GS DS DNegative Threshold Temperature Coefficient V /T 9.2 mV/°CGS(th) JDrain−to−Source On−Resistance RV = 10 V, I = 58 A 16.8 18.2 mDS(on) GS DV = 10 V, I = 20 A 15.6 18.2GS DForward Transconductance g V = 5 V, I = 20 A 31 SFS DS DCHARGES, CAPACITANCES & GATE RESISTANCEInput Capacitance C 2700 3500 pFissV = 25 V, V = 0 V,DS GSOutput Capacitance C 400 500ossf = 1 MHzReverse Transfer Capacitance C 150rssTotal Gate Charge Q 73 100 nCG(TOT)Threshold Gate Charge Q 2.5G(TH)V = 10 V, V = 80 V,GS DSGate−to−Source Charge Q 13.5GSI = 58 ADGate−to−Drain Charge Q 35GDPlateau Voltage V 5.6 VGPGate Resistance R 2.2 GSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS, V = 10 V (Note 3)GSnsTurn−On Delay Time t 16d(on)Rise Time t 140rV = 10 V, V = 80 V,GS DDI = 58 A, R = 6.2D GTurn−Off Delay Time t 70d(off)Fall Time t 126fDRAIN−SOURCE DIODE CHARACTERISTICSForward Diode Voltage V T = 25°C 0.96 1.3 VSD JI = 58 AST = 125°C 0.89JReverse Recovery Time t 85 nsrrCharge Time t 60aV = 0 V, I = 58 A,GS SdI /dt = 100 A/sSDDischarge Time t 25bReverse Recovery Charge Q 270 nCRR2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 s, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.3. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperatures.