NTB23N03RT4G ,Power MOSFET 23 Amps, 25 Volts N−Channel D2PAK2NTB23N03R20 204.5 V10 VV ≥ 10 VDS8 V4 V6 V16 165 V3.5 V12 1288T = 25°CJ3 V44T = −55°CT = 125°CJ JV ..
NTB25P06 ,Power MOSFET 25 A, 60 V P-Channel D2PAKMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (notnormal operating condi ..
NTB25P06 ,Power MOSFET 25 A, 60 V P-Channel D2PAKELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
NTB25P06G ,Power MOSFET 25 A, 60 V P-Channel D2PAK2NTB25P0650 50V = −10 V T = 25°CGSJ V ≥ 10 VDS45−8 V −7 V−9 V T = 25°CJ40 403530 30 T = −55°CJ−6 VT ..
NTB25P06T4G ,Power MOSFET 25 A, 60 V P-Channel D2PAKMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JRating Symbol Value UnitGDrain−to−Source Voltage ..
OPA820 ,Unity Gain Stable,Low Noise,Voltage Feedback Operational AmplifierFeatures 3 DescriptionThe OPA820 device provides a wideband, unity-gain1• High Bandwidth (240 MHz, ..
OPA820ID ,Unity Gain Stable,Low Noise,Voltage Feedback Operational Amplifier7.2 ESD RatingsVALUE UNIT(1)Human-body model (HBM), per ANSI/ESDA/JEDEC JS-001 ±3000(2)V Electrosta ..
OPA820ID ,Unity Gain Stable,Low Noise,Voltage Feedback Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings.. 313 Device and Documentation Support........ 377.2 ESD Ratings........ 413.1 Devi ..
OPA820ID ,Unity Gain Stable,Low Noise,Voltage Feedback Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITPow ..
OPA820IDBVR ,Unity-Gain Stable/ Low-Noise/ Voltage-Feedback Operational AmplifierFEATURESOPA354 OPA2354 — OPA4354 CMOS RR outputOPA690 OPA2690 OPA3690 — High-slew rate— OPA2652 — — ..
OPA820IDBVRG4 ,Unity Gain Stable,Low Noise,Voltage Feedback Operational Amplifier 5-SOT-23 -40 to 85Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, which do no ..
Power MOSFET 23 Amps, 25 Volts N−Channel D2PAK
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise specified)J Characteristics Symbol Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage (Note 1) V(br) VdcDSS(V = 0 Vdc, I = 250 Adc) 25 28 −GS DTemperature Coefficient (Positive) − − − mV/°CZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I AdcDSS(V = 20 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc) − − 1.0DS GS(V = 20 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc, T = 150°C) − − 10DS GS JGate−Body Leakage Current I − − ±100 nAdcGSS(V = ±20 Vdc, V = 0 Vdc)GS DSON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 1)Gate Threshold Voltage (Note 1) V VdcGS(th)(V = V , I = 250 Adc) 1.0 1.8 2.0DS GS D− − − mV/°CThreshold Temperature Coefficient (Negative)Static Drain−to−Source On−Resistance (Note 1) R mDS(on)(V = 4.5 Vdc, I = 6 Adc) − 50.3 60GS D(V = 10 Vdc, I = 6 Adc) − 32.3 45GS DForward Transconductance (Note 1) g MhosFS(V = 10 Vdc, I = 6 Adc) − 14 −DS DDYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICSInput Capacitance C − 225 − pFissOutput Capacitance C − 108 −(V = 20 Vdc, V = 0 V, f = 1 MHz) ossDS GSTransfer Capacitance C − 48 −rssSWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)Turn−On Delay Time t − 2.0 − nsd(on)Rise Time t − 14.9 −r(V = 10 Vdc, V = 10 Vdc,GS DDI = 6 Adc, R = 3 )D GTurn−Off Delay Time t − 9.9 −d(off)Fall Time t − 2.0 −fGate Charge Q − 3.76 − nCT(V = 4.5 Vdc, I = 6 Adc,GS DQ − 1.7 −1V = 10 Vdc) (Note 1)DSQ − 1.6 −2SOURCE−DRAIN DIODE CHARACTERISTICSForward On−Voltage V VdcSD(I = 6 Adc, V = 0 Vdc) (Note 1)S GS− 0.87 1.2(I = 6 Adc, V = 0 Vdc, T = 125°C)S GS J− 0.74 −Reverse Recovery Time t − 8.7 − nsrrt − 5.2 −a(I = 6 Adc, V = 0 Vdc,S GSdI /dt = 100 A/s) (Note 1)St − 3.5 −bReverse Recovery Stored Charge Q − 0.003 −CRR1. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 s, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.2. Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperatures.ORDERING INFORMATION†Device Package Shipping2NTB23N03R 50 Units / RailD PAK2NTB23N03RG 50 Units / RailD PAK(Pb−Free)2NTB23N03RT4 800 Units / Tape & ReelD PAK2NTB23N03RT4G D PAK 800 Units / Tape & Reel(Pb−Free)†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel PackagingSpecifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.