NST489AMT1 ,High Current Surface Mount NPN Silicon Low VCE(sat) TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
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High Current Surface Mount NPN Silicon Low VCE(sat) Transistor
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSCollector−Emitter Breakdown Voltage (I = 10 mA, I = 0) V 30−− VC B (BR)CEOCollector−Base Breakdown Voltage (I = 0.1 mA, I = 0) V 50−− VC E (BR)CBOEmitter−Base Breakdown Voltage (I = 0.1 mA, I = 0) V 5.0−− VE C (BR)EBOCollector Cutoff Current (V = 30 V, I = 0) I−− 0.1 ACB E CBOCollector−Emitter Cutoff Current (V = 30 V) I−− 0.1 ACES CESEmitter Cutoff Current (V = 4.0 V) I−− 0.1 AEB EBOON CHARACTERISTICSDC Current Gain (Note 4) (I = 1.0 mA, V = 5.0 V) h 300−−C CE FE(I = 0.5 A, V = 5.0 V) 300 500 900C CE(I = 1.0 A, V = 5.0 V) 200−−C CECollector−Emitter Saturation Voltage (Note 4) (I = 1.0 A, I = 100 mA) V− 0.10 0.200 VC B CE(sat)(I = 0.5 A, I = 50 mA)− 0.06 0.125C B(I = 0.1 A, I = 1.0 mA)− 0.05 0.075C BBase−Emitter Saturation Voltage (Note 4) (I = 1.0 A, I = 0.1 A) V−− 1.1 VC B BE(sat)Base−Emitter Turn−on Voltage (Note 4) (I = 1.0 A, V = 2.0 V) V−− 1.1 VC CE BE(on)Cutoff Frequency (I = 100 mA, V = 5.0 V, f = 100 MHz f 200 300− MHzC CE TOutput Capacitance (f = 1.0 MHz) C−− 15 pFobo4. Pulsed Condition: Pulse Width 300 sec, Duty Cycle 2%. 0.9I = 2 AC0.8 0.80.7 0.7I = 1 AC0.6 0.60.5 0.5I /I = 100c b0.4 0.40.3 0.3I /I = 10c bI = 500 mA0.2 0.2C0.1 0.1I = 100 mAC0 00.001 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 2I (A) I (A)b cFigure 1. V versus I Figure 2. V versus ICE (sat) b CE (sat) c8001.2V = 5 VCEV = 5 VCE700+125C1.0600+25C−55C0.8500+25C400 0.6−55C300+125C0.42000.21000 00.001 0.01 0.1 1 2 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 2I (A) I (A)ccFigure 3. h versus I Figure 4. V versus IFE c BE(on) c