NST3904DXV6T1 ,General Purpose NPN Dual TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Max UnitOFF ..
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General Purpose NPN Dual Transistor
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Max UnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSCollector- Emitter Breakdown Voltage (Note 2) V Vdc(BR)CEO(I = 1.0 mAdc, I = 0) 40 -C BCollector- Base Breakdown Voltage V Vdc(BR)CBO(I = 10 Adc, I = 0) 60 -C EEmitter- Base Breakdown Voltage V Vdc(BR)EBO(I = 10 Adc, I = 0) 6.0 -E CBase Cutoff Current I nAdcBL(V = 30 Vdc, V = 3.0 Vdc) - 50CE EBCollector Cutoff Current I nAdcCEX(V = 30 Vdc, V = 3.0 Vdc) - 50CE EBON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 2)DC Current Gain h -FE(I = 0.1 mAdc, V = 1.0 Vdc) 40 -C CE(I = 1.0 mAdc, V = 1.0 Vdc) 70 -C CE(I = 10 mAdc, V = 1.0 Vdc) 100 300C CE(I = 50 mAdc, V = 1.0 Vdc) 60 -C CE(I = 100 mAdc, V = 1.0 Vdc) 30 -C CECollector- Emitter Saturation Voltage V VdcCE(sat)(I = 10 mAdc, I = 1.0 mAdc) - 0.2C B(I = 50 mAdc, I = 5.0 mAdc) - 0.3C BBase- Emitter Saturation Voltage V VdcBE(sat)(I = 10 mAdc, I = 1.0 mAdc) 0.65 0.85C B(I = 50 mAdc, I = 5.0 mAdc) - 0.95C BSMALL- SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICSCurrent- Gain - Bandwidth Product f MHzT(I = 10 mAdc, V = 20 Vdc, f = 100 MHz) 300 -C CEOutput Capacitance C pFobo(V = 5.0 Vdc, I = 0, f = 1.0 MHz)- 4.0CB EInput Capacitance C pFibo(V = 0.5 Vdc, I = 0, f = 1.0 MHz)- 8.0EB C2. Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300 μs; Duty Cycle ≤ 2.0%.