NS32FX200VF-25 ,Series 32000/EP MicroprocessorNS32FX100-15/NS32FX100-20/NS32FV100-20/NS32FV100-25/NS32FX200-20/NS32FX200-25SystemControllerPRELIM ..
NS32FX210J ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)Pin Description
VCC +5v i5% power supply.
V33 -5N/ :5% power supply.
GND Ground. All analog and ..
NS32FX210J ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)Features
The NS32FX210 is a highly integrated A/D and D/A Com I Transmit and receive PCM channeI ..
NS32FX210V ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)applications. Using advanced Transmit power amplifier drives 300n
switched capacitor techniques, A ..
NS32FX210V ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)Block Diagram
IL5 in IL} in In " 0ND Van
NS32FX211N ,Microprocessor Compatible Real Time CFeaturesYLow power standby operation (10 mA at 2.2V)The NS32FX211 is fabricated using low threshold ..
OPA2131UJG4 ,General Purpose FET-Input Operational Amplifiers 8-SOIC (1)ABSOLUTE
OPA2132 ,High Speed FET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
OPA2132P ,High speed FET-input dual operational amplifierMaximum Ratings.. 411 Device and Documentation Support........ 166.2 ESD Ratings........ 411.1 Devi ..
OPA2132P A ,High speed FET-input dual operational amplifierFeatures... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 118.1 Application Information........ 112 Appl ..
OPA2132PA ,High speed FET-input dual operational amplifierElectrical Characteristics....... 511.3 Related Links.. 166.5 Typical Characteristics. 711.4 Tradem ..
OPA2132PA ,High speed FET-input dual operational amplifierSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareOPA132,OPA2132,OPA41 ..
Series 32000/EP Microprocessor
July 1992
System Controller
General Description
The NS32FX200, NS32FV100and NS32FX100are highly
integrated system chips designedfora FAX system based National Semiconductor’s embedded processorsÐ
NS32FX161, NS32FV16or NS32FX164.The NS32FX100is
the common coreforall three system chips. The
NS32FV100 and NS32FX200 offer additional functions.
Throughoutthis document, referencestothe NS32FX100
also applyto boththe NS32FV100 andthe NS32FX200.
Specific NS32FV100or NS32FX200 featuresare explicitly
The NS32FX200, NS32FV100 and NS32FX100 featurean
interfaceto deviceslike stepper motors, printersand scan-
ners,a Sigma-Delta CODEC,an elapsed-time counter,a
DMA controller,an interrupt controller,anda UART.
The NS32FX200is optimized forhigh-end FAX applications,
suchas plain-paper FAX and multifunctional peripherals.
The NS32FX100,is optimizedfor low-cost FAX applica-
tions. The NS32FV100is optimizedfor thermal paper FAX
machines with Digital Answering Machine support.
Features Direct interfaceto the NS32FX161, NS32FV16 and
NS32FX164 embedded processors Supportsa varietyof Contact Image Sensor (CIS)and
Charge Coupled Device (CCD) scanners Direct interfacetoa varietyof Thermal Print Head
(TPH) printers. Bitmap shifterand DMA channels facili-
tatethe connectionof other typesof printers Supportstwo stepper motors Direct interfaceto ROM and SRAM.The NS32FX200
and NS32FV100,in addition, interfaceto DRAM
devices Programmable wait state generator Demultiplexed addressand data buses Multiplexed DRAM address bus (NS32FX200 and
NS32FV100) Supports3V freeze modeby maintaining only elapsed
time counter Controlof power consumptionby disabling inactive
modulesand reducingthe clock frequency Operating frequency Normal mode: 19.6608 MHzÐ24.576 MHzin steps 1.2288 MHz. (NS32FX200) Normal mode: 19.6608 MHzÐ24.576 MHzin steps 1.2288 MHz. (NS32FV100) Normal mode: 14.7456 MHzÐ19.6608 MHzin steps 1.2288 MHz. (NS32FX100) Power Save mode: Normal mode frequency divided sixteen On-Chipfull duplex Sigma-Delta CODEC with: Total harmonic distortion better than b70dB Programmable hybrid balance filter Programmable reception and transmission filters Programmable gain control On-Chip Interrupt Control Unit with:16 interrupt sources Programmable triggering mode On-Chip counters, WATCHDOGTM, UART,
MICROWIRETM, System Clock Generator, andI/O
ports On-Chip DMA controller (NS32FX200Ðfour channels,
NS32FX100, NS32FV100Ðthree channels)Upto37 on-chip general purposeI/O pins, expandable
externally Flexible allocationofI/Oand modules’ pins 132-pin JEDEC PQFP package
FIGURE1-1.A FAX Controller Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
MICROWIRETMand WATCHDOGTMare trademarksof National Semiconductor Corporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M105/PrintedinU.S.A.