NS32FX164V-25 ,Advanced Imaging/Communication Signal ProcessorsapplicationsThe NS32FX164 provides a 16 Mbyte Linear external ad-Ð 18 graphics instructionsdress sp ..
NS32FX200VF-25 ,Series 32000/EP MicroprocessorNS32FX100-15/NS32FX100-20/NS32FV100-20/NS32FV100-25/NS32FX200-20/NS32FX200-25SystemControllerPRELIM ..
NS32FX210J ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)Pin Description
VCC +5v i5% power supply.
V33 -5N/ :5% power supply.
GND Ground. All analog and ..
NS32FX210J ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)Features
The NS32FX210 is a highly integrated A/D and D/A Com I Transmit and receive PCM channeI ..
NS32FX210V ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)applications. Using advanced Transmit power amplifier drives 300n
switched capacitor techniques, A ..
NS32FX210V ,Facsimile/Data Modem Analog Front End (AFE)Block Diagram
IL5 in IL} in In " 0ND Van
OPA2131UJ ,General Purpose FET-Input Operational AmplifiersOPA4131OPA2131OPA131OPA2131OPA131OPA4131OPA4131OPA131OPA2131OPA4131SBOS040A – NOVEMBER 1994 – REVIS ..
OPA2131UJG4 ,General Purpose FET-Input Operational Amplifiers 8-SOIC (1)ABSOLUTE
OPA2132 ,High Speed FET-INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERSMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITSup ..
OPA2132P ,High speed FET-input dual operational amplifierMaximum Ratings.. 411 Device and Documentation Support........ 166.2 ESD Ratings........ 411.1 Devi ..
OPA2132P A ,High speed FET-input dual operational amplifierFeatures... 1 8 Application and Implementation...... 118.1 Application Information........ 112 Appl ..
Advanced Imaging/Communication Signal Processors
February 1992
Advanced Imaging/Communication Signal Processors
General Description
The NS32FX164,the NS32FV16 andthe NS32FX161are
high-performance 32-bit membersofthe Series 32000É/
EPTM familyof National’s Embedded System ProcessorsTM
specifically optimizedfor CCITT Group2and Group3 Fac-
simile Applications, Data Modems, Voice Mail Systems,La-
ser Printers,orany combinationofthe above.
Unless specified otherwise any referenceto the
NS32FX164inthis document appliestothe NS32FV16and
the NS32FX161as well.
The NS32FX164can performallthe computationsand con-
trol functions requiredfora stand-aloneFax system,aPC
add-in Fax/Voice/Data Modem cardora Laser/Fax sys-
tem. also meetsthe performance requirementsto implement
14400, 9600 and 7200bps modems complying with CCITT
V.17, V.29 and V.27 standards. The NS32FV16 supports
V.29and V.27 standardsaswellas voice.The NS32FX161
supports V.29and V.27 standards.
The NS32FX164 providesa16 Mbyte Linear externalad-
dress spaceanda 16-bit external data bus.
The CPU core, which isthe same asthatofthe NS32CG16,
incorporatesa 32-bit ALU and instruction pipeline, andan
8-byte prefetch queue.
Also integrated on-chip withthe CPUarea DSP Module
(DSPM)anda 4K-byte RAMArray(2Kinthe NS32FV16and
NS32FX161).The DSPMisa complete processing unit,ca-
pableof autonomous operation paralleltothe CPU core
operation.The DSPM executes programs storedinan inter-
nal on-chip Random Access Memory (RAM), and manipu-
lates data stored eitherinthe internal RAM orin anexternal
off-chip memory.To maximize utilizationof hardwarere-
sources,the DSPM containsa pipelined DSP-orienteddata-
path,anda control logicthat implementsasetof DSP vec-
tor commands.
The NS32FX164 capabilitiescanbe expandedby usingan
external floating pointunit (FPU) which directly interfacesto
the NS32FX164 usingthe slave protocol. The CPU-FPU
cluster features high speed executionofthe floating-point
The NS32FX164 highly-efficient architecture combined with
the NS32CG16 graphics instructionsandthe high-perform-
ance vector operation capability, makesthe devicethe ideal
choicefor PostscriptTM andFax applications.
Features Software compatible withthe Series 32000/EP
processors Designed aroundthe CPU coreofthe NS32CG16Pin compatible withthe NS32FX16 32-bit architectureand implementation On-chip DSP Modulefor high-speed DSP operations Special supportfor graphics applications18 graphics instructions Binary compression/expansion capability for font
storage using RLL encoding Pattern magnification Interfacetoan external BITBLT processing unitsfor
fast color BITBLT operations 4K-byte on-chip RAM array (2Kin NS32FV16 and
NS32FX161) On-chip clock generator Floating-point supportviathe NS32081or NS32181 Optimal interfaceto large memory arrays via the
NS32CG821andthe DP84xx familyof DRAM
controllers Power save mode High-speed CMOS technology 68-pin PLCC package
Block Diagram
FIGURE1-1. CPU Block Diagram
Series32000Éisa registeredtrademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
EPTMandEmbeddedSystem ProcessorsTMare trademarks ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
PostscriptTMisatrademark ofAdobe Systems,Inc.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.