NMC27C32BQ-150 ,Memory configuration 4Kx8 Memory type EPROM Tolerance Vcc + 10 % Tolerance VccNMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMDecember1996NMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMGeneralDescript ..
NMC27C32BQ200 ,Memory configuration 4Kx8 Memory type EPROM Tolerance Vcc + 10 % Tolerance VccNMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMDecember1996NMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMGeneralDescript ..
NMC27C32BQ-200 ,Memory configuration 4Kx8 Memory type EPROM Tolerance Vcc + 10 % Tolerance VccNMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMDecember1996NMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMGeneralDescript ..
NMC27C32BQ250 ,32,768-Bit (4096 x 8) CMOS EPROMNMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMDecember1996NMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMGeneralDescript ..
NMC27C32BQ-250 ,32,768-Bit (4096 x 8) CMOS EPROMNMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMDecember1996NMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMGeneralDescript ..
NMC27C32BQE200 ,32,768-Bit (4096 x 8) CMOS EPROMNMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMDecember1996NMC27C32B32,768-Bit(4096x8)CMOSEPROMGeneralDescript ..
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32,768-Bit (4096 x 8) CMOS EPROM
December 1996
32,768-Bit (4096x 8) CMOS EPROM
General Description
The NMC27C32Bisa32kUV erasableand electricallyre-
programmable CMOS EPROM, ideally suitedfor applica-
tions where fast turnaround, pattern experimentation and
low power consumptionare important requirements.
The NMC27C32Bis designedto operatewitha single a5V
power supplywith g10% tolerance.
The NMC27C32Bis packagedina 24-pin dual-in-line pack-
age witha quartz window. The quartz window allowsthe
userto exposethe chipto ultraviolet lightto erasethebit
pattern.A new patterncan thenbe written electricallyinto
the deviceby followingthe programming procedure.
This EPROMis fabricated with National’s proprietary, time
proven CMOS double-poly silicon gate technology which
combines high performanceand high densitywithlow pow- consumptionand excellent reliability.
Features Low CMOS power consumption Active Power:55 mW Max Standby Power: 0.55 mW Max Extended temperature range, b40§Cto a85§C Fastand reliable programming TTL, CMOS compatible inputs/outputs TRI-STATEÉ output Manufacturer’s identification codefor automatic
programming High current CMOS level output drivers Compatible with NMOS 2732
Block Diagram
Pin Names
A0–A11 Addresses Chip Enable Output Enable
VPP Programming Voltage
O0–O7 Outputs
VCC Power Supply
GND Ground
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M17/Printed inU.S.A. http://