NLAST4501DFT2G ,SPST Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL LevelThe NLAST4501 is a low voltage, TTL (low threshold) compatibledevice, pin for pin compatible with t ..
NLAST4501DTT1G , Single SPST Analog Switch
NLAST4599 ,Single SPDT Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL Level
NLAST4599DFT2 ,Single SPDT Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL Level
NLAST4599DFT2 ,Single SPDT Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL LevelELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Input t = t = 3.0 ns)r fGuaranteed Max LimitV V -55 to 25C <85C <125 ..
NLAST4599DFT2G , Low Voltage Single Supply SPDT Analog Switch
NTHC5513T1 ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A/-2.1A Complentary ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol N/P Test Conditions M ..
NTHC5513T1G ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A/-2.1A Complentary ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol N/P Test Conditions M ..
NTHD2102PT1 ,Trench Power MOSFET 8.0 V, 3.4 A Dual P-Channel ChipFet™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition M ..
NTHD2102PT1G ,Trench Power MOSFET 8.0 V, 3.4 A Dual P-Channel ChipFet™PremiumV R TYP I MAX• Low Profile (<1.1 mm) Allows it to Fit Easily into Extremely Thin (BR)DSS DS( ..
NTHD3100CT1 , Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.9 A /−4.4 A, Complementary ChipFET
NTHD3100CT1G , Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.9 A /−4.4 A, Complementary ChipFET
SPST Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL Level
Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these conditions or conditions beyond thoseindicated may adversely affect device reliability. Functional operation under absolute−maximum−rated conditions is not implied. Functionaloperation should be restricted to the Recommended Operating Conditions.1. Measured with minimum pad spacing on an FR4 board, using 10 mm−by−1 inch, 2−ounce copper trace with no air flow.2. Tested to EIA/JESD22−A114−A.3. Tested to EIA/JESD22−A115−A.4. Tested to JESD22−C101−A.5. Tested to EIA/JESD78.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbol Parameter Min Max UnitV Positive DC Supply Voltage 2.0 5.5 VCCV Digital Input Voltage (Enable) GND 5.5 VINV Static or Dynamic Voltage Across an Off Switch GND V VIO CCV Analog Input Voltage (NO, COM) GND V VIS CCT Operating Temperature Range, All Package Types 55 125 CAt , t Input Rise or Fall Time, V = 3.3 V 0.3 V 0 100 ns/Vr f cc(Enable Input) V = 5.0 V 0.5 V0 20ccDEVICE JUNCTION TEMPERATURE VERSUSTIME TO 0.1% BOND FAILURESFAILURE RATE OF PLASTIC = CERAMICUNTIL INTERMETALLICS OCCURJunctionTemperature °CTime, Hours Time, Years80 1,032,200 117.890 419,300 47.91100 178,700 20.4110 79,600 9.41 10 1001000120 37,000 4.2TIME, YEARS130 17,800 2.0Figure 2. Failure Rate vs. Time Junction Temperature140 8,900 1.0