NLAST44599MNR2 ,Dual DPDT Analog Switch,TTL Leveldelays and low ON resistances while maintaining CMOS low−powerdissipation. This DPDT controls analo ..
NLAST4501 ,SPST Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL LevelMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these con ..
NLAST4501DFT2 ,SPST Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL Level3NLAST4501ADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND Unless Noted)V LimitCC ..
NLAST4501DFT2G ,SPST Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL LevelThe NLAST4501 is a low voltage, TTL (low threshold) compatibledevice, pin for pin compatible with t ..
NLAST4501DTT1G , Single SPST Analog Switch
NLAST4599 ,Single SPDT Analog Switch Single Supply, TTL Level
NTHC5513T1 ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A/-2.1A Complentary ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol N/P Test Conditions M ..
NTHC5513T1G ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A/-2.1A Complentary ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol N/P Test Conditions M ..
NTHD2102PT1 ,Trench Power MOSFET 8.0 V, 3.4 A Dual P-Channel ChipFet™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition M ..
NTHD2102PT1G ,Trench Power MOSFET 8.0 V, 3.4 A Dual P-Channel ChipFet™PremiumV R TYP I MAX• Low Profile (<1.1 mm) Allows it to Fit Easily into Extremely Thin (BR)DSS DS( ..
NTHD3100CT1 , Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.9 A /−4.4 A, Complementary ChipFET
NTHD3100CT1G , Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.9 A /−4.4 A, Complementary ChipFET
Dual DPDT Analog Switch,TTL Level
delays and low ON resistances while maintaining CMOS low−powerdissipation. This DPDT controls analog and digital voltages that mayvary across the full power−supply range (from V to GND).CC MARKINGThe device has been designed so the ON resistance (R ) is muchDIAGRAMSONlower and more linear over input voltage than R of typical CMOSON16analog switches.1The channel−select input structure provides protection whenTvoltages between 0 V and 5.5 V are applied, regardless of the supplyALYWQFN−16voltage. This input structure helps prevent device destruction causedMN SUFFIXby supply voltage − input/output voltage mismatch, battery backup,CASE 485Ghot insertion, etc. (TOP VIEW)The NLAST44599 can also be used as a quad 2−to−1 multiplexer−demultiplexer analog switch with two Select pins that each controlstwo multiplexer−demultiplexers.16• Select Pins Compatible with TTL LevelsNLAST• Channel Select Input Overvoltage Tolerant to 5.5 V164459ALYW• Fast Switching and Propagation Speeds11• Break−Before−Make Circuitry• Low Power Dissipation: I = 2 A (Max) at T = 25°C TSSOP−16CC ADT SUFFIX• Diode Protection Provided on Channel Select InputCASE 948F• Improved Linearity and Lower ON Resistance over Input Voltage• Latch−up Performance Exceeds 300 mAA = Assembly Location• ESD Performance: Human Body Model > 2000 V;L = Wafer LotMachine Model > 200 VY = YearW = Work Week• Chip Complexity: 158 FETs• Pb−Free Packages are AvailableORDERING INFORMATIONSee detailed ordering and shipping information in the packagedimensions section on page 10 of this data sheet. Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 20051 Publication Order Number:February, 2005 − Rev. 7 NLAST44599/D12 11 10 9NLAST44599QFN−16 PACKAGEFUNCTION TABLESelect AB or CD ON ChannelL NC to COMH NO to COM16 15 14 13NC A COM D1SABSee TSSOP−16NO D0Switch ConfigurationNO BSCD0COM B NC C1SELECT AB X10NO A0TSSOP−16 PACKAGE1 NC A1COM A 0/12NO B0NO A116 V0 CC COM B 32/3 NC B1SELECT CD X10NO C02COM A 15 NC D11NC C1COM C0/123 14 NO DNC A COM D 01COM D2/33NC D1ELECT AB 134 NO D0Figure 2. IEC Logic SymbolNO B5 SELECT CD0 12COM B 6 11 NC C1NC B1 7 10COM C8GND 9 NO C0Figure 1.