NLASB3157DFT2G ,2:1 MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = +25C T = −40C to +85CA AV VCC CC(V) Min Typ Max Min MaxSymbol Para ..
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2:1 Multiplexer
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = +25C T = −40C to +85CA AV VCC CC(V) Min Typ Max Min MaxSymbol Parameter Test Conditions UnitV HIGH Level 1.65−1.95 0.75 V VIH CCInput Voltage 2.3−5.5 0.7 VCCV LOW Level 1.65−1.95 0.25 V VIL CCInput Voltage 2.3−5.5 0.3 VCCI Input Leakage Current 0 V 5.5 V 0−5.5 0.05 0.1 1 AIN INI OFF State Leakage 0 A, B V 1.65−5.5 0.05 0.1 1 AOFF CCCurrentR Switch On Resistance V = 0 V, I = 30 mA 4.5 3.0 7.0 ON IN O(Note 3) V = 2.4 V, I = −30 mA 5.0 12IN OV = 4.5 V, I = −30 mA 7.0 15IN OV = 0 V, I = 24 mA 3.0 4.0 9.0 IN OV = 3 V, I = −24 mA 10 20IN OV = 0 V, I = 8 mA 2.3 5.0 12 IN OV = 2.3 V, I = −8 mA 13 30IN OV = 0 V, I = 4 mA 1.65 6.5 20 IN OV = 1.65 V, I = −4 mA 17 50IN OI Quiescent Supply V = V or GND 5.5 1.0 10 ACC IN CCCurrentAll Channels ON or I = 0OUTOFFAnalog Signal Range V 0 V 0 V VCC CC CCR On Resistance I = −30 mA, 0 V 4.5 25 RANGE A BnOver Signal Range VCC(Note 3) (Note 7) I = −24 mA, 0 V 3.0 50A Bn VCCI = −8 mA, 0 V 2.3 100A Bn VCCI = −4 mA, 0 V 1.65 300A Bn VCCR On Resistance Match I = −30 mA, V = 3.15 4.5 0.15 ON A BnBetween Channels I = −24 mA, V = 2.1 3.0 0.2A Bn(Note 3) (Note 4) I = −8 mA, V = 1.6 2.3 0.5A Bn(Note 5) I = −4 mA, V = 1.15 1.65 0.5A BnR On Resistance I = −30 mA, 0 V 5.0 6.0 flat A BnFlatness (Note 3) VCC(Note 4) (Note 6) I = −24 mA, 0 V 3.3 12A Bn VCCI = −8 mA, 0 V 2.5 28A Bn VCCI = −4 mA, 0 V 1.8 125A Bn VCC3. Measured by the voltage drop between A and B pins at the indicated current through the switch. On Resistance is determined by the lowerof the voltages on the two (A or B Ports).4. Parameter is characterized but not tested in production.5. R = R max − R min measured at identical V , temperature and voltage levels.ON ON ON CC6. Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of On Resistance over the specified range of conditions.7. Guaranteed by Design.