NLASB3157 ,SPDT Analog Switch
NLASB3157DFT2G ,2:1 MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICST = +25C T = −40C to +85CA AV VCC CC(V) Min Typ Max Min MaxSymbol Para ..
NLASB3157MTR2G , The NLASB3157 is an advanced CMOS analog switch fabricated with silicon gate CMOS technology
NLAST4051DR2 ,Analog Multiplexer/ DemultiplexerMAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1)ÎÎÎ Symbol Parameter ValueÎÎÎ UnitÎÎÎ V Negative DC Supply Voltage (Referen ..
NLAST4051DTR2 ,Analog Multiplexer/ DemultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS – Analog SectionÎÎ Guaranteed LimitÎÎV V V VCC CC EE EEÎÎÎÎÎÎ –55 to 25° ..
NLAST4051QSR ,Analog Multiplexer/ Demultiplexermaximum ratings. Translation is16 9provided in the device, the Address and Inhibit are standard TTL ..
NTHC5513T1 ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A/-2.1A Complentary ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol N/P Test Conditions M ..
NTHC5513T1G ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A/-2.1A Complentary ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol N/P Test Conditions M ..
NTHD2102PT1 ,Trench Power MOSFET 8.0 V, 3.4 A Dual P-Channel ChipFet™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition M ..
NTHD2102PT1G ,Trench Power MOSFET 8.0 V, 3.4 A Dual P-Channel ChipFet™PremiumV R TYP I MAX• Low Profile (<1.1 mm) Allows it to Fit Easily into Extremely Thin (BR)DSS DS( ..
NTHD3100CT1 , Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.9 A /−4.4 A, Complementary ChipFET
NTHD3100CT1G , Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.9 A /−4.4 A, Complementary ChipFET
SPDT Analog Switch