NLAS4684MR2 ,Dual SPDT .5 Ohm Analog Switchfeatures. Theis a dual analog switch with a typical R of 0.5 Ω. It isONcommuter riding the metro or ..
NLAS4684MR2G ,Ultra-Low Resistance Dual SPDT Analog SwitchNLAS4684Ultra-Low ResistanceDual SPDT Analog SwitchThe NLAS4684 is an advanced CMOS analog switch f ..
NLAS4685FCT1G , Ultra-Low Resistance Dual SPDT Analog Switch
NLAS4717MR2 , 4.5 ohm High Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switch
NLAS4717MR2G , 4.5 ohm High Bandwidth, Dual SPDT Analog Switch
NLAS4783 ,Analog Switch, Triple SPDT, 1 Ohm RonFeatures16• Single Supply Operation1ÇÇ1.65 to 3.6 V VCCNLASÇÇQFN−16• Tiny 3 x 3 mm 16−Pin QFN Packa ..
NTGS4111P ,Power MOSFET -30 V, -4.7 A, Single P-Channel, TSOP-6ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition M ..
NTGS4111PT1G , Power MOSFET (-30 V, -4.7 A, Single P-Channel, TSOP-6)
NTGS4141N ,Power MOSFET 30 V, 7.0 A, Single N-Channel, TSOP-6ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition M ..
NTGS5120P ,Power MOSFET, 60V PCh, TSOP6ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise specified)JParameter Symbol Test Condition Mi ..
NTGS5120PT1G , Power MOSFET −60 V, −2.9 A, Single P−Channel, TSOP−6
NTHC5513T1 ,Power MOSFET 20 V, 3.1 A/-2.1A Complentary ChipFET™ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JParameter Symbol N/P Test Conditions M ..
Dual SPDT .5 Ohm Analog Switch
Prepared by: Fred ZlotnickON SemiconductorAPPLICATION NOTEINTRODUCTION user will likely demand stereo playback. Both MP3 andcommercial FM radio require a stereo audio amplifier. If theCMOS Analog switches have been available from thedesigner had to switch the routing between the stereosemiconductor industry for more than 30 years. Theearpiece and the internal speaker, there are two choices:venerable MC14066 is an example of a still popular devicein the “4000” family. The MC14066 exhibits 500 Ω seriesa. two stereo audio output amplifiersresistance (R ).Switches of this style are still popular andONb. one stereo amplifier and an electronic switchuseful for controlling high impedance audio and similarsignals. In the past few years the industry has begun to offerAt first blush, it might appear that two amplifiers might beswitches in the 10−20 Ω R range, and in 2003 switchesONthe desirable way to go. with The advent of some newwith R values of ≤ 1.0 Ω became available. TheONswitching technology will show this is not the case. If theNLAS4684 and NLAS4685 are two examples of switchesdesigner were to use two stereo amplifiers, he needs to steerwith R ≤ 1.0 Ω, capable of switching an audio outputONthe signals at low level to the appropriate amplifier. He alsosignal that is directly connected to a speaker.needs to Enable/Disable the appropriate amplifier, to reduceIn the cell phone marketplace, it is virtually mandatory tothe standby current. ON Semiconductor supplies a smallinclude a jack for external microphone/speaker connections.stereo amplifier capable of > 100 mW output, that can beMany places in the world do not permit operation of a cellused for this purpose. The NCP2809 is delivered in aphone when driving, except in a hands−free mode. It is veryMicro−10 surface mount package that is 3x5 mm, occupyingcommon to see people walking and talking into a lapel 215 mm of board space. A second amplifier would occupymounted microphone, with the earpiece placed in the users 2an additional 15 mm of space. The signals need to be routedear. It is potentially dangerous to have the ring tones that areto the appropriate amplifier, and a pair of NLAS4599generated at high levels directed into the earpiece. The usedevices in 2x2 mm packages could be used. In addition, anof a mechanical switch to disable the speaker and direct theinverter is needed to permit the Enable/Disable function tosignal to the earpiece is therefore ruled out. This design getsbe done with one line from a micro−controller.further strained, when one adds all the new