NLAS323 ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, Single SupplyMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these con ..
NLAS323US ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, Single Supply3NLAS323ADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND Unless Noted)V LimitCCSy ..
NLAS323USG ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, Low Voltage, Single SupplyMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these con ..
NLAS324 ,Dual SPST Analog Switch3NLAS324ADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND Unless Noted)V LimitCCSy ..
NLAS324US ,Dual SPST Analog SwitchThe use of advanced 0.6 CMOS process, improves the RONresistance considerably compared to older h ..
NLAS325 ,Dual SPST Analog SwitchMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these con ..
NTF3055L108 ,N-Channel SOT-223ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
NTF3055L108T1G ,N-Channel SOT-223NTF3055L108Preferred DevicePower MOSFET3.0 A, 60 V, Logic LevelN−Channel SOT−223Designed for low vo ..
NTF3055L108T3 ,N-Channel SOT-2232NTF3055L1086 6V = 3.4 VGS V > = 10 VDS5 5V = 3.5 VGSV = 4.5 VGSV = 3.2 VGS44V = 6 VGS3 3V = 3 VGST ..
NTF3055L108T3G ,N-Channel SOT-223MAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CRating Symbol Value Unit4Drain−to−Source Voltage ..
NTF3055L108T3LFG ,N-Channel SOT-223FeaturesR = 120 mDS(on)• Pb−Free Packages are AvailableN−ChannelApplicationsD• Power Supplies• Con ..
Dual SPST Analog Switch, Single Supply
3NLAS323ADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND Unless Noted)V LimitCCSymbol Parameter Condition V 25°C UnitBW BW Maximum On−Channel −3dB Bandwidth Maximum On−Channel −3dB Bandwidth V V = = 0 0 dBm dBm 3.0 3.0 190 190 MHz MHzIS ISor Minimum Frequency Response or Minimum Frequency Res onse V V centered between V centered between V and GND and GND 4.5 4.5 200 200IS IS CC CC(Figures 6 and 14) 5.5 220V V Maximum Maximum Feedthrou Feedthrough gh On Loss On Loss V V = = 0 0 dBm @ 10 kHz dBm @ 10 kHz 3 3.0 .0 −2 −2 dB dBONL ONL IS ISV V centered centered between V between V and and GND GND 4.5 4.5 −2 2IS IS CC CC(Figure 6) 5.5 −2V V Of Off−Channel Isolation f−Channel Isolation f = 100 kHz; V f = 100 kHz V = = 1 1.0 V RMS .0 V RMS 3.0 3.0 −93 −93 dB dBISO ISO IIS SV V centered centered between V between V and and GND GND 4.5 4.5IS IS CC CC(Figures 6 and 15) 5.5Q Q Char Charge ge Injection Injection V V V V GND, F GND, F = 20 kHz = 20 kHz 3.0 3.0 1 1.5 .5IS IS = = CC CC tto o IS ISEnable Input to Common I/O Enable In ut to Common I/O tt = tt = 3.0 ns 3.0 ns 5.5 5.5 3.0 3.0 pC Cr r ffR = 0 , C = 1000 pFIS IS L LQC Q = C * * V VL OUT(Figures (Figures 6 and 16) 6 and 16)THD THD T Total Harmonic Distortion otal Harmonic Distortion F F = 20 Hz to 1 MHz, R = 20 Hz to 1 MHz, R = R = Rgen gen = 600 = 600 , C , C = 50 pF = 50 F 3 3.3 .3 0.3 0.3 % %IS IS L L L LTHD THD + Noise + Noise V V = 3.0 V 3.0 V sine wave sine wave 5.5 5.5 0.15 0.15IS IS PP PPV = 5.0 V sine waveIS IS PP PP(Fi (Figure 17) 17)1.00E+051.00E+041.00E+031.00E+021.00E+01I1.00E+00 COM(ON)1.00E−011.00E−021.00E−03I1.00E−04COM(OFF)1.00E−051.00E−06 INO(OFF)1.00E−07−55 −35 −15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 145TEMPERATURE (°C)Figure 3. Switch Leakage vs. Temperature