NLAS2066US ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, OVT Inputsfeatures notAdding an additional connector adds cost and takes upyet on the market. The USB port of ..
NLAS2066USG ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, OVT Inputsfeatures of theUSB v. 1.1 specification. There are three speeds for USB v.cell phone, the socket ma ..
NLAS3158MNR2G ,Low Voltage Dual SPDT Analog Switch Dual 2:1 MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = −40°C to +85°C)AT = +25C T = −40C to +85CA AV VCC CC(V) Min Typ ..
NLAS323 ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, Single SupplyMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these con ..
NLAS323US ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, Single Supply3NLAS323ADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND Unless Noted)V LimitCCSy ..
NLAS323USG ,Dual SPST Analog Switch, Low Voltage, Single SupplyMaximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Exposure to these con ..
NTF3055-100 ,Power MOSFET 3.0 Amps, 60 Volts N-Channel SOT-223NTF3055-100Preferred DevicePower MOSFET3.0 Amps, 60 VoltsN−Channel SOT−223Designed for low voltage, ..
NTF3055-100T1 ,Power MOSFET 3.0 Amps, 60 Volts N-Channel SOT-223MAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CRating Symbol Value UnitMARKINGDIAGRAM4Drain−to−S ..
NTF3055-100T3 ,Power MOSFET 3.0 Amps, 60 Volts N-Channel SOT-223ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
NTF3055-160 ,Power MOSFET 2.0 Amps, 60 Volts N-Channel SOT-223ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
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Dual SPST Analog Switch, OVT Inputs
features of theUSB v. 1.1 specification. There are three speeds for USB v.cell phone, the socket may provide audio, video, RS−232, or2.0. The three speed ranges are:other interfaces.Low Speed: 10−100 Kbits/sec1. Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0 April 26,Full Speed 500K−10 Mbits/sec 2000.2. A flexible cable with appropriate connectors on both ends.High Speed 25−400 Mbits/sec Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 20031 Publication Order Number:August, 2003 − Rev. 0 AND8130/DAND8130/DIf fewer pins are brought out on the cell phone in, the size at a Vcc of 5.0 V, nominal. While this would work, it placesof the connector can be made smaller. In order to minimize a cost and component burden on the system. The need for 5.0the number of pins and reduce size and cost, it behooves the V in a product like a cell phone is rare today. If not otherwise,manufacturer to employ some form of multiplexing or needed it would place a demand for a regulator andsharing of pins on the connector. Pins must be capable of additional voltage from the dc/dc converter on board.bilateral transmission of either analog of digital signals. Camera enabled cell phones have very limited space, so the5.0 V option is not very desirable. In order to save space andcomponent cost and minimize the number of powersupplies. The analog switch would need to operate from asupply voltage of approximately 2.7 V and be able to accepta 5.25 V fault. If the designer could find a switch that couldaccept 5.25 V, while operating from 2.7 V, then the 5.0 Vpower supply could disappear. Ordinary analog switcheshave diodes connected to the both the supply pin and groundFigure 1. USB − Type “A” USB − Type “B” pin, to protect the device against Electrostatic Discharge(ESD). If the switch were to be operated at 2.7 V and eitherUSB data line had 5.25 V fault, the input diode connected toVcc would be destroyed. This could cause damage, andcould not be tolerated. A new device, the NLAS2066 dualanalog switch has been introduced from ON Semiconductor,which permits operation at 2.7 V, while its inputs are permitto be subject to as much as 5.5 V, regardless of the operatingvoltage. This switch has an R resistance low enough toONFigure 2. Example of a Donglepermit use with USB 2.0 Full Speed specification.The semiconductor industry has been serving the need forVccStandardbilateral switching for years with standard analog switches.Analog SwitchAvailable analog switches can pass either digital or analogsignals in two directions. More recently, analog switcheshave been fabricated in sub−micron silicon gate CMOS andexhibit resistance in 5−20 Ω range, and can pass signals 50I/O I/OMHz or more. With R values this low, an analog switchONcould be used to provide USB switching. Also, thefrequency response of the switch should not affect overallperformance of the USB transceiver. Several standardswitches now available can meet the frequency and RONrequirements. One additional requirement to meet USBsafety specifications, states that the analog switch must beCTRLcapable of a voltage “fault” of 5.25 Volts for 24 hours. OneFigure 3. way to solve this requirement is simply to operate the switch