NLAS1053 ,2:1 Mux/Demux Analog SwitchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Input t = t = 3.0 ns)r fGuaranteed Max LimitV 55 to 25C 85C 125 ..
NLAS1053USG , 2:1 Mux/Demux Analog Switches
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2:1 Mux/Demux Analog Switches
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Input t = t = 3.0 ns)r fGuaranteed Max LimitV 55 to 25C 85C 125CCCSymbol Parameter Test Conditions (V) Min Typ* Max Min Max Min Max Unitt Turn–On Time R = 300 C = 35 pF 2.5 2 7 12 2 15 2 15 nsON L L(Figures 12 and 13) (Figures 4 and 5) 3.0 2 5 10 2 15 2 15INH to Output 4.5 1 4 9 1 12 1 125.5 1 3 8 1 12 1 12t Turn–Off Time R = 300 C = 35 pF 2.5 2 7 12 2 15 2 15 nsOFF L L(Figures 12 and 13) (Figures 4 and 5) 3.0 2 5 10 2 15 2 15INH to Output 4.5 1 4 9 1 12 1 125.5 1 3 8 1 12 1 12t Transition Time (Channel R = 300 C = 35 pF 2.5 5 18 28 5 30 5 30 nstrans L LSelection Time) (Figures and ) 3.0 5 13 21 5 25 5 25(Figure ) 4.5 2 12 16 2 20 2 20Select to Output 5.5 2 9 14 2 20 2 20t Minimum V = 3.0 V (Figure 3) 2.5 1 12 1 1 nsBBM ISBreak Break–Before–Mak Before Make e T Tiime me R R = 300 = 300 C C = 35 pF = 35 F 3 3.0 .0 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1L L L L4.5 1 6 1 15.5 1 5 1 1*Typical Characteristics are at 25C.Typical @ 25, VCC = 5.0 VC Maximum Input Capacitance, Select/INH Input 8 pFINC or C Analog I/O (switch off) 10NO NCC Common I/O (switch off) 10COMC Feedthrough (switch on) 20(ON)ADDITIONAL APPLICATION CHARACTERISTICS (Voltages Referenced to GND Unless Noted)V TypicalCCSymbol Parameter Condition V 25°C UnitBW BW M Maximum aximum O On n– –Channel Channel – –3dB 3dB B Bandwidth andwidth or or V V = =00 dB dBm m 330 .0 170 170 MH MHz zIN INMinimum Minimum Frequency Response Frequency Response V V centered between V centered between V and GND and GND 45 4.5 200 200IN IN CC CC(Figure 10) (Figure 10) (Figure (Figure 7) 7) 5.5 55 200 200V V Maximum Maximum Feedthrou Feedthrough gh On Loss On Loss V V = = 00 dBm @ 100 kHz to 50 MHz dBm @ 100 kHz to 50 MHz 3 3.0 .0 - 3 3 dB dBONL ONL IN INV V centered between V centered between V and GND and GND 4.5 4.5 - 3 3IN IN CC CC(Figure 7) 5.5 - 3V V Of Off–Channel Isolation f Channel Isolation f f = 100 kHz; V = 100 kHz V = = 11 V RMS V RMS 3.0 3.0 - 93 93 dB dBISO ISO IS IS(Figure (Figure 10) 10) V V centered between V centered between V and GND and GND 4.5 4.5 - 93 93IN IN CC CC(Figure 7) 5.5 - 93Q Q Charge Charge In Injection jection Select Input to Select In ut to V V V V GND, F GND, F = 20 kHz = 20 kHzIN IN = = CC CC to to IS ISCommon I/O Common I/O tt = tt = 3 ns 3 ns 3.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 pC Cr r ff(Figure 15) (g ) R = 0 , C = 1000 pF 5.5 3.0IS IS L LQ = C QC * * Δ ΔV VL OUT(Figure 8) (Figure 8)THD Total Harmonic Distortion F = 20 Hz to 100 kHz, R = Rgen = 600 ,IS LTHD THD + Noise + Noise C C = 50 pF =50 pFL L(Figure 14) V = 5.0 V sine wave 5.5 0.1 %IS PP