NE5537D ,Sample-and-hold amplifier
NE5537D ,Sample-and-hold amplifier
NE555 ,Single timer. Supply voltage Vcc=4.5V,min; Vcc=16V,max. Supply current: Icc=3mA,typ; Icc=6mA,max (Vcc=5V); Icc=7.5mA,typ; Icc=15mA.max (Vcc=15V).NE555SA555 - SE555®GENERAL PURPOSE SINGLE BIPOLAR TIMERS. LOW TURN OFF TIME.MAXIMUM OPERATING FREQU ..
NE555D ,Single Timerwww www www www.f .f .f .fai ai ai airch rch rch rchild ild ild ildse se se semi mi mi mi.c .c .c . ..
NE555DG4 ,Single Precision Timer 8-SOIC 0 to 70Table of Contents8.1 Overview.... 91
NE555DR ,Single Precision TimerTable of Contents8.1 Overview.... 91
NKE0512SC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC/DC Converters
NKE0512SC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC/DC Converters
NKE0512SC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC/DC Converters
NKE0515DC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC/DC Converters
NKE0515S , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC-DC Converters
NKE0515S , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC-DC Converters