NE5534ADRG4 ,Low-Noise Operational Amplifier 8-SOIC 0 to 70 SLOS070D–JULY 1979–REVISED NOVEMBER 20146 Pin Configuration and FunctionsNE5534, SA5534 . . . D (S ..
NE5534AFE ,Dual Low Noise Operational Amplifier
NE5534AP ,Low-Noise Operational AmplifierFeatures... 18.3 Feature Description.... 102 Applications..... 18.4 Device Functional Modes.... 103 ..
NE5534D ,Dual and single low noise op ampTable of Contents8.2 Functional
NE5534DR ,Low-Noise High-Speed Audio Operational AmplifierSample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareNE5534,NE5534A,SA553 ..
NE5534DR ,Low-Noise High-Speed Audio Operational Amplifierfeatures include very low noise, high output-• Common-Mode Rejection Ratio 100 dB Typdrive capabili ..
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Low-Noise Operational Amplifier
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
NE5534, NE5534A,SLOS070D –JULY 1979–REVISED
NE5534x, SA5534x Low-Noise Operational Amplifiers Features 3 DescriptionThe NE5534, NE5534A, SA5534, Equivalent Input Noise Voltage devices are high-performance operational3.5 nV/√Hz Typ combining excellentdc andac characteristics.• Unity-Gain Bandwidth 10 MHz Typ of the features include very low Common-Mode Rejection Ratio 100 dB Typ drive capability, high unity-gain and
swing bandwidths, low distortion,• High DC Voltage Gain 100 V/mV Typ Peak-to-Peak Output Voltage Swing32V Typ These operational amplifiers
internally fora gain equaltoorWith VCC±= ±18V andRL= 600Ω
Optimizationof the frequency response• High Slew Rate13 V/μs Typ applications can be obtained by useof an external• Wide Supply-Voltage Range±3Vto ±20V compensation capacitor between COMP and Low Harmonic Distortion COMP/BAL. The devices feature input-protection
diodes, output short-circuit protection, and offset-• Offset Nulling Capability voltage nulling capability with useof the BALANCE• External Compensation Capability and COMP/BAL pins (see Figure 10).
For the NE5534A and SA5534A devices,a maximum
2 Applications limit is specified for the equivalent input noise• Audio Preamplifiers voltage. Servo Error Amplifiers
Device Information• Medical Equipment• Telephone Channel Amplifiers
Simplified Schematic