NE5532DX ,Dual Operational AmplifierBlock DiagramRev. 1.0.12002 Fairchild Semiconductor CorporationNE5532Absolute Maximum RatingsParame ..
NE5532FE ,Internally-compensated dual low noise operational amplifier
NE5532FE ,Internally-compensated dual low noise operational amplifier
NE5532N ,Dual Operational AmplifierNE5532Dual Operational Amplifier
NE5532P ,Dual Low-Noise High-Speed Audio Operational AmplifierFeatures... 18.3 Feature Description...... 72 Applications..... 18.4 Device Functional Modes...... ..
NE5532P.. ,Dual Low-Noise High-Speed Audio Operational AmplifierMaximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNITV 0 ..
NKA0512SC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Dual Output DC/DC Converters
NKA0512SC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Dual Output DC/DC Converters
NKA0512SC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Dual Output DC/DC Converters
NKA1215DC , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Dual Output DC/DC Converters
NKE0303S , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC-DC Converters
NKE0303S , Isolated Sub-Miniature 1W Single Output DC-DC Converters
Dual Operational Amplifier
Features Internal Frequency Compensation Slew Rate: 8V/μs Input Noise Voltage: Full Power Bandwidth: 140KHz
DescriptionThe NE5532 is a internally compensated dual low noise
OP-AMP. The high small signal and power bandwidth
provides superior performance in high quality AMP, all
control circuits, and telephone applications.
8nV⁄ (fo = 30Hz)