NC7SZ32 ,UHS 2-Input OR GateFeaturesThe NC7SZ32 is a single 2-Input OR Gate from Fairchild’s
UHS 2-Input OR Gate
NC7SZ32 TinyLogic UHS 2-Input OR Gate September 1996 Revised March 2002 NC7SZ32 TinyLogic UHS 2-Input OR Gate General Description Features The NC7SZ32 is a single 2-Input OR Gate from Fairchild’sSpace saving SOT23 or SC70 5-lead package Ultra High Speed Series of TinyLogic. The device is fabri-Ultra small MicroPak leadless package cated with advanced CMOS technology to achieve ultra Ultra high speed t 2.4 ns Typ into 50 pF at 5V V PD CC high speed with high output drive while maintaining low High output drive ±24 mA at 3V V static power dissipation over a very broad V operating CC CC range. The device is specified to operate over the 1.65V toBroad V operating range 1.65V–5.5V CC 5.5V V range. The inputs and output are high impedance CC Matches the performance of LCX when operated at when V is 0V. Inputs tolerate voltages up to 6V indepen- CC 3.3V V CC dent of V operating voltage. CC Power down high impedance inputs/output Overvoltage tolerant inputs facilitate 5V–3V translation Patented noise/EMI reduction circuitry implemented Ordering Code: Package Product Code Order Number Package Description Supplied As Number Top Mark NC7SZ32M5X MA05B 7Z32 5-Lead SOT23, JEDEC MO-178, 1.6mm 3k Units on Tape and Reel NC7SZ32P5X MAA05A Z32 5-Lead SC70, EIAJ SC-88a, 1.25mm Wide 3k Units on Tape and Reel NC7SZ32L6X MAC06A HH 6-Lead MicroPak, 1.0mm Wide 5k Units on Tape and Reel Logic Symbol Connection Diagrams IEEE/IEC Pin Assignments for SC70 and SOT23 Pin Descriptions Pin Names Description A, B Inputs (Top View) Y Output Pad Assignments for MicroPak NC No Connect Function Table Y = A + B Input Output AB Y LLL LH H (Top Thru View) HL H HHH H = HIGH Logic Level L = LOW Logic Level TinyLogic and MicroPak are trademarks of . © 2002 DS012154