NC7SZ08P5 ,TinyLogic?? UHS 2-Input AND GateFeaturesn Space saving SOT23 or SC70 5-lead surface mountThe NC7SZ08 is a single 2-InputAND Gate fr ..
NC7SZ08P5X ,TinyLogic UHS 2-Input AND GateFeaturesThe NC7SZ08 is a single 2-Input AND Gate from
TinyLogic?? UHS 2-Input AND Gate
TinyLogic™ UHS 2-Input AND Gate
General DescriptionThe NC7SZ08isa single 2-InputAND Gate from Fairchild’s
Ultra High Speed Seriesof TinyLogic™.The deviceis fabri-
cated with advanced CMOStechnologyto achieveultra high
speed with high output drive while maintaininglow static
power dissipation overa very broad VCC operating range.
The deviceis specifiedto operate overthe 1.8Vto 5.5VVCC
range.The inputsand outputare high impedance whenVCC0V. Inputs tolerate voltagesupto6V independentof VCC
operating voltage.
Features Space saving SOT23or SC70 5-lead surface mount
package Ultra High Speed;TPD2.7nsTypinto50pFat5V VCC High Output Drive; ±24mAat3V VCC Broad VCC Operating Range; 1.8Vto 5.5V Matchesthe performanceof LCX when operatedat
3.3V VCC Power down high impedance inputs/output Overvoltage tolerant inputs facilitate5Vto3V translation Patented noise/EMI reduction circuitry implemented
Ordering Code:
Product Code Package Package Drawing Package Top Mark SuppliedAsNC7SZ08M5 SOT23-5 MA05B 7Z08 250 Unitson Tapeand Reel
NC7SZ08M5X SOT23-5 MA05B 7Z08 3k Unitson Tapeand Reel
NC7SZ08P5 SC70–5 MAA05A Z08 250 Unitson Tapeand Reel
NC7SZ08P5X SC70–5 MAA05A Z08 3k Unitson Tapeand Reel
Logic Symbol
Pin Descriptions
Pin Names DescriptionB Inputs Output
Connection Diagram
Function Table=AB
Inputs Output Y L L L H= HIGH Logic Level= LOWLogicLevel
TinyLogic™isa trademarkof FairchildSemiconductorCorporation.
Pin Assignmentfor 5–Lead PackagesDS012165-2
(Top View)November 1997
Gate©1997 DS012165