N74F257AD ,Quad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting 3-StateINTEGRATED CIRCUITS74F257AQuad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer,non-inverting (3-State)Product ..
N74F257AD ,Quad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting 3-StatePIN CONFIGURATION• Industrial range available (–40°C to +85°C)S 1 16VCC• Multifunction capabilityI0 ..
N74F258AD ,Quad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, inverting 3-StatePIN CONFIGURATION• Multifunction capabilityS 1 16VCC• Non-inverting data pathI 2 15 OE0a• 3-State o ..
N74F258AD ,Quad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, inverting 3-StateINTEGRATED CIRCUITS74F258AQuad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer,inverting (3-State)Product spe ..
N74F260N ,Dual 5-input NOR gate
N74F273AD ,Octal D flip-flopapplications where the true output only is required and the CP and(20μA in Low and High states)MR ..
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NFE31PT220R1E9L , Chip EMIFILr LC Combined Type
NFE31PT220R1E9L , Chip EMIFILr LC Combined Type
NFE31PT221D1E9L , Chip EMIFILr LC Combined Type
NFE31PT221D1E9L , Chip EMIFILr LC Combined Type
Quad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting 3-State
Philips Semiconductors
Product specification 1995 Mar 31
IC15 Data Handbook
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
74F257AQuad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting
FEATURES Industrial range available (–40°C to +85°C) Multifunction capability Non-inverting data path 3-State outputs See 74F258A for inverting version
DESCRIPTIONThe 74F257A has four identical 2-input multiplexers with 3-State
outputs which select 4 bits of data from two sources uncer control of
a common Select (S) input. The I0a inputs are selected when the
common Select input is Low and the I1n inputs are selected when
the common Select input is High. Data appears at the outputs in true
non-inverted form from the selected inputs. The 74F257A is the logic
implementation of a 4-pole, 2-position switch where the position of
the switch is determined by the logic levels supplied to the common
Slect input. Outputs are forced to a high impedance “off” state when
the Output Enable (OE) is High. All but one device must be in high
impedance state to avoid currents that would exceed the maximum
rating if the outputs were tied together. Design of the Output Enable
signals must ensure that there is no overlap when outputs of 3-state
devices were tied together.
NOTE:One (1.0) FAST unit load is defined as: 20μA in the High state and 0.6mA in the Low state.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
74F257AQuad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting
FUNCTION TABLE = High voltage level = Low voltage level = Don’t care = High impedance “off” state
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
74F257AQuad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(Operation beyond the limits set forth in this table may impair the useful life of the device.
Unless otherwise noted these limits are over the operating free-air temperature range.)
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
74F257AQuad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting
DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Over recommended operating free-air temperature range unless otherwise noted.)
NOTES: For conditions shown as MIN or MAX, use the appropriate value specified under recommended operating conditions for the applicable type. All typical values are at VCC = 5V, Tamb = 25°C. Not more than one output should be shorted at a time. For testing IOS, the use of high-speed test apparatus and/or sample-and-hold
techniques are preferable in order to minimize internal heating and more accurately reflect operational values. Otherwise, prolonged shorting
of a High output may raise the chip temperature well above normal and thereby cause invalid readings in other parameter tests. In any
sequence of parameter tests, IOS tests should be performed last. Measure ICC with all outputs open and inputs grounded.
Philips Semiconductors Product specification
74F257AQuad 2-line to 1-line selector/multiplexer, non-inverting
AC WAVEFORMSFor all waveforms, VM = 1.5V.
Waveform 1. Propagation Delay, Data and Select to Output
Waveform 2. 3-State Output Enable Time to High Level and
Output Disable Time from High Level
Waveform 3. 3-State Output Enable Time to Low Level and
Output Disable Time from Low Level