MX7828LCWI ,CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs with MultiplexerApplications1MX7824LCWG 0°C to +70°C 24 Wide SO ± /2Digital Signal ProcessingMX7824KCWG 0°C to +70° ..
MX7828LCWI ,CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs with MultiplexerELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V = +5V, V + = +5V, V - = GND, Mode 0, T = T to T , unless otherwise not ..
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CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs with Multiplexer
_______________General DescriptionThe MAX154/MAX158 and MX7824/MX7828 are high-
speed, multi-channel analog-to-digital converters
(ADCs). The MAX154 and MX7824 have four analog
input channels, while the MAX158 and MX7828 have
eight channels. Conversion time for all devices is 2.5µs.
The MAX154/MAX158 also feature a 2.5V on-chip refer-
ence, forming a complete high-speed data acquisition
All four converters include a built-in track/hold, eliminat-
ing the need for an external track/hold with many input
signals. The analog input range is 0V to +5V, although
the ADC operates from a single +5V supply.
Microprocessor interfaces are simplified by the ADC’s
ability to appear as a memory location or I/O port without
the need for external logic. The data outputs use latched,
three-state buffer circuitry to allow direct connection to a
microprocessor data bus or system input port.
The MX7824 and MX7828 are pin compatible with
Analog Devices’ AD7824 and AD7828. The MAX154
and MAX158, which feature internal references, are also
compatible with these products.
________________________ApplicationsDigital Signal Processing
High-Speed Data Acquisition
High-Speed Servo Control
Audio Instrumentation
____________________________FeaturesOne-Chip Data Acquisition SystemFour or Eight Analog Input Channels2.5µs per Channel Conversion TimeInternal 2.5V Reference (MAX154/MAX158 only)Built-In Track/Hold Function1/2LSB Error SpecificationSingle +5V Supply OperationNo External ClockNew Space-Saving SSOP Package
______________Ordering Information
CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs
with Multiplexer
________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products1
__________________________________________________________Pin Configurations
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.19-0255; Rev 2; 4/94
Ordering Information continued on last page.
CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs
with Multiplexer_______________________________________________________________________________________
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VDD= +5V, VREF+ = +5V, VREF- = GND, Mode 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Supply Voltage, VDD to GND........................................0V, +10V
Voltage at Any Other Pins......................GND - 0.3V, VDD+ 0.3V
Output Current (REF OUT)..................................................30mA
Power Dissipation (any package) to +75°C ....................450mW
Derate above +25°C by..............................................6mW/°C
Operating Temperature Ranges
MX7824, MX7828
KN/LN/KCW_/LCW_............................................0°C to +70°C
BQ/CQ.............................................................-40°C to +85°C
TQ/UQ............................................................-55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°C
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(VDD= +5V, VREF+ = +5V, VREF- = GND, Mode 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
TIMING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 5)(VDD= +5V, VREF+ = +5V, VREF- = GND, Mode 0, TA= TMINto TMAX, unless otherwise noted.)
Note 1:Total unadjusted error includes offset, full-scale, and linearity errors.
Note 2:Specified with no external load unless otherwise noted.
Note 3:Temperature drift is defined as change in output voltage from +25°C to TMINor TMAXdivided by (25 - TMIN) or (TMAX- 25).
Note 4:Guaranteed by design.
Note 5:All input control signals are specified with tR= tF= 20ns (10% to 90% of +5V) and timed from a 1.6V voltage level.
Note 6:Measured with load circuits of Figure 1 and defined as the time required for an output to cross 0.8V or 2.4V.
Note 7:Defined as the time required for the data lines to change 0.5V when loaded with the circuits of Figure 2.
CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs
with Multiplexer
CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs
with Multiplexer_______________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)
tp (ns)
Figure 1. Load Circuits for Data-Access Time TestFigure 2. Load Circuits for Data-Hold Time Test
CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs
with Multiplexer
_____________________________________________________________Pin Descriptions
CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADCs
with Multiplexer_______________________________________________________________________________________
_______________Detailed Description
Converter OperationThe MAX154/MAX158 and MX7824/MX7828 use what is
commonly called a “half-flash” conversion technique
(Figure 3). Two 4-bit flash ADC sections are used to
achieve an 8-bit result. Using 15 comparators, the
upper 4-bit MS (most significant) flash ADC compares
the unknown input voltage to the reference ladder and
provides the upper four data bits.
An internal DAC uses the MS bits to generate an analog
signal from the first flash conversion. A residue voltage
representing the difference between the unknown input
and the DAC voltage is then compared to the reference
ladder by 15 LS (least significant) flash comparators to
obtain the lower four output bits.
Operating SequenceThe operating sequence is shown in Figure 4. A con-
version is initiated by a falling edge of RDand CS. The
comparator inputs track the analog input voltage for
approximately 1µs. After this first cycle, the MS flash
result is latched into the output buffers and the LS con-
version begins. INTgoes low approximately 600ns
later, indicating the end of the conversion, and that the
lower four bits are latched into the output buffers. The
data can then be accessed using the CSand RD
___________________Digital InterfaceThe MAX154/MAX158 and MX7824/MX7828 use only
Chip Select (CS) and Read (RD) as control inputs. A
READ operation, taking CSand RDlow, latches the mul-
tiplexer address inputs and starts a conversion (Table 1).
There are two interface modes, which are determined
by the length of the RDinput. Mode 0, implemented by
keeping RDlow until the conversion ends, is designed
for microprocessors that can be forced into a WAIT
state. In this mode, a conversion is started with a READ
operation (taking CSand RDlow), and data is read
when the conversion ends. Mode 1, on the other hand,
Figure 3. Functional Diagram