MX7820LCWP ,CMOS High Speed 8Bit A/D Converter with Refrence and Track/Hold FunctionGeneral Description
The MAX150/MX7820 is a high speed, microprocessor
compatible, 8 bit analog ..
MX7820LN ,CMOS High Speed 8Bit A/D Converter with Refrence and Track/Hold FunctionELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)
(VDD = HN, VREF+ = HN, VREF_ =
MX7821KEWP ,660ns レP-Compatible, 8-Bit ADC with Track/HoldFeatures
. 660ns Conversion Time
. 20-Pin Narrow DIP Package
. No External Clock
. Pin-Compat ..
MX7821KN ,660ns レP-Compatible, 8-Bit ADC with Track/HoldGeneral Description
The MX7821 high-speed, rnicroprocessor-compatible
(PP), 8-bit analog-to-dig ..
MX7821KR ,660ns レP-Compatible, 8-Bit ADC with Track/HoldELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +5V i5%; GND = 0V; Unipolar Input Range: Vss = 0V, VREF+ = 5V, ..
MX7824 ,CMOS, High-Speed, 8-Bit ADC with 4- or 8-Channel MultiplexerApplications1MX7824LCWG 0°C to +70°C 24 Wide SO ± /2Digital Signal ProcessingMX7824KCWG 0°C to +70° ..
NDS8926 ,Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions M in Typ M ..
NDS8928 ,Dual N & P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Type Min T ..
NDS8936 ,Dual N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorJuly 1996 N NDS8936Dual N-Channel Enhancement M ode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8947 ,Dual P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8947 ,Dual P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8947 ,Dual P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CMOS, 1.3µs, 8-Bit ADC with Voltage Reference and Track/Hold
19 0891 Rev 1, 8/93
General Description
The MAX150/MX7820 is a high speed, microprocessor
compatible, 8 bit analog to digital converter which
uses a halt-flash technique to achieve a conversion
time of 1.34 us. The converter has a ov to +5V analog
input range and uses a single +5V supply.
A built-in track-and-hold function is included, elimi-
nating the need for an external track-and-hold for
input slew rates up to 100mV/ps. The MAX150 also
provides an on-chip 2.5 V reference output, making it
a complete analog to digital converter.
The A/Ds easily interface with microprocessors by
appearing as a memory location or I/O port without
the need for external interfacing logic. The data out-
puts use latched, three-state buffer circuitry to allow
direct connection to a microprocessor data bus or
system input port. An over-flow output is also provided
for cascading devices to achieve higher resolution.
The MX7820 is pin compatible with Analog Devices'
AD7820, The MAX150 is also compatible with the
MX7820 but also includes an internal 2.5V reference.
Digital Signal Processing
High Speed Data Acquisition
High Speed Servo Loops
Audio Systems
- Functional Block Diagram
CMOS High Speed tt Bit A/D Converter with
Reference and Wack/Hold Function
- Features
. Fast Conversion Time: 1.34us Max.
. Built-in Track-and-Hold Function
. No Adjustment Required
. No External Clock
. Single +5V Supply
. Easy Interface To Microprocessors
. Internal 2.5V Reference (MAX150 only)
- Ordering Informa tion
MAX150ACPP 0°C to r7tysc" Plastic DIP - Tr, LssT
1isA-x/eio1crvo C°Cio 00°C Plastic Dip - 11:2]
WAXisoeC/D 0°C to ~70°c Dice' rl LSB
MAX150ACWP 0°C to 070°C Small Outline Twist;
TRAAX150éCWP 0°C to i70°c Small t%oie' -rLs7sC,
MAX150AEPP -40°Cto-85°C Plastic Ls, _ gr: LSEL
' MAX150BEPP -40''C to +85°C Plastic DIP 'l LSBj
l MAX150AEWP -40/'f to 435°C Small Outline th "I:
I MAX150BEWP ~40°Cto +85°C Small Outline tl LSB
WAMSOAMJP -55°C to 425°C CERDIP. _ tla L5
-55°c to 425°C CERDIP :1 LSB’]
t All devices -- 20 lead packages
Consult factory for dice specifications.
Ordering lnlormat/on continued on last page
immi‘f trl, I8 ish
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4aT t mi: T illYll, Top View
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15 FLASH r“ -u. 030 E
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lvl/lXI/Vl I I 082E MAX150
MAX150 MAX150. MX/820
MX7820 l mm I - Nn CE
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HREF our - MAX150 on'y l
M/JXIM Maxim Integrated Products
Call toll free '-tMttr99trtttNm for free samples or literature.
0381)! WI OSLXVW
MAX 1 50/ MX 7820
CMOS High Speed 8 Bit A/D Converter with
Reference and Track/Hold Function
Supply Voltage, VDD to GND 'r''..........'....'.... OV, 40v Operating Temperature Ranges
Voltage at any other pins MAX150XCXX, MX7820LN/KN/LCWP/KCWP H. 0''C to 00°C
(Pins1-9. 11-19) .................... GND - t13V, Vor, +0,3V MX7820BQ/CQ ............................ -25''C to -85''C
Output current (Pin 19) ................................ 30mA MAX150XEXX .................. -40''C to *85°C
Power Dissipation (Any Package) to 75°C ............. 450mW MAX150XMXX, MX7820TQ/UQ .. -55°C to +125°C
Derale Above r75°C by .......................... 6mW/°C Storage Temperature Range ................. -65''C to +160°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 seconds) ............. *300°C
Stresses above "1056 listed under ''A0solute Maximum Rahngs” may cause permanent damage to the dance, These are stress raungs only. and lunchonal
opsrallon of the dewcs at Ihess or any other condmons above (hose Indicated in the operational secnons of the spsmlmanon IS not Implied Exposure to
absolute maxrmum raltngs conditions for extended penods may affect the dewce reliabiliry.
(VDD = +5\/. VREF” = +5V, VREF' = GND, RD-MODE, TA = Tor: to TMAX, unless otherwise noted)
Resolution V a I bits
Total Unadjusted Error (Note 1) 2t'f1git', 'd7/irofifi/,# 21:2 LSB J
No Missing Codes Resolution 8 I bits _l
Reference Resistance ‘I :2 : $30 TMAX 11.245 2.2 :3 kn
vgga Input Voltage Range 1 t VREF' VDD + 0.1 -
Vncr- Input Voltage Range I GND - 0,1 VREH
Output Voltage REF ouTlT, = o25''C 2.47 2.50 2.53 V
Load Regulation IL = o to 10mA Ta = +25''C -6 -10 mV
-rsower Supply Semltlvlly van t5% T. = +25°c tl *3 mV
MAX150XC TA = tPC to irtrt: 40 70
Temperature Drift (Note 3) MAXISOXE Ts = -40'C to +35°C AO 70 ppm/“C
MAX160XM TA = -55'C to +125°C 60 100
Output Nolse ,3 200 tN/rms
Capacitive Load T 0.01 I uF
ANALOG mpuf _ _
Analog Input Voltage Range f anj GND - 0.1 VDD f 0.1 l, V
_naloreytfapacitance CVIN l . 45 pF 1
Analog Input Current |le VIN = 0V to +5V J: _rT'd,'fti, TMAX +353 " ,
Slew Rate, Tracking (Note 4) SR 02 0.1 V/ps
1 is, W, E; MAX150 f 20 1 "
Input HIGH Voltage I vINH MX7820 2 4 ' V
L E305. - 95 _
Input LOWVoltage M 3853, RD 3»; I V
' RT): T, = 45°C 0 3 l 7
A TMIN to TMAx 1 I
Input High Current IINH WR; :3; :35:fo 053 ' PA
MODE; TA = +25°c 50 150 y
L TMIN to TMAX l 200 - l
Note 1: Total unadlusied error Includes offset, full-scale and linearity errors.
Note 2: Specfed with no external load unless otherwise noted
Note 3: Temperature drift IS defined as change In output voltage from 025°C to TWN or TVAX divided by (25 - Ts, N) or (TVAX 25)
Note 4: Sampre tested at 45°C by Oualny Assurance to ensure comphance