MX7543KCWE ,CMOS Serial Input 12-Bit DACApplications
Remote Analog Systems
Programmable Attenuators
Automatic Test Equipme ..
MX7545 ,CMOS, Buffered, 12-Bit Multiplying DACFeatures
. 12- it Resolution
. i1 LSB Gain Accuracy (6 Grade)
. Single Supply operation
. impro ..
MX7545AKCWP ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsGeneral Description
The MX7545A and MAX7645, 12-bit CMOS multiplying
digital-to-analog converte ..
MX7545AKCWP+ ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Improved Versions of MX7545
' Gain Accuracy to tl LSB Max.
' Fast Interface Timing
. ..
MX7545AKN ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Improved Versions of MX7545
' Gain Accuracy to tl LSB Max.
' Fast Interface Timing
. ..
MX7545ALN ,CMOS 12-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Improved Versions of MX7545
' Gain Accuracy to tl LSB Max.
' Fast Interface Timing
. ..
NDS8410A ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorMarch 1997 NDS8410ASingle N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8410S ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS8425 ,Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETNDS8425January 2001NDS8425 Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET
NDS8426 ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8426A ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorJanuary 1998 NDS8426ASingle N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8433 ,Single P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
CMOS Serial Input 12-Bit DAC
@4310 He. L' _ y:,
2hMLAl Di)d I] AM]
CMOS Serial Input 12-Bit DAG
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
- - _ - General Description - - - Features
The MX7543 is a high precision 12-blt digital-to- . Serial Interface
analog converter (DAC) which uses a serial rather l + . .
than parallel Input scheme for loading data Included . 1b and drl LSB Linearity
are a serial-rio-paris shift register, a separate DAC . CLEAR Input For Initialization
register, and a multiplying DAC . Single +5V Supply Operation
Seral data IS clocked in at the SRI pun on the rising or o . ...
talllr‘g edge (user selected) of the strobe Input. When . Sppm/ C Gain Stability
tne mptn register IS full, the contents are transferred . 1 LSB Max. Feedthrough At 10kHz
to the DAC register using the load input. A clear Input . . -
'8 provided to Initialize the part asynchronously . Small Size: 16 Lead mp
The MX7543 features excellent gain stability (Sppm/°C . _
max ) and operates from a Single
while dissipating about 10mW. -
- i - - Applications PART T_EMP. RANGE F:AC!(AGE'_ ERROR j
MX7543JN 0"C to '70cC Plastic DID "l L88
Remote Analog Systems F ,
_ l MX7543KN_ occ to .70kvc mastic DIP, . LSB
Robotics MX75436KN o~‘_c_£»70°c PIastEDIP ' .se ,
Programmable Attenuators MX7543JCWE (rc to r70'C Small Outline 74 LStj
Automatic Test Equipment M>_<7543K_cwr 0°C to ,70"C Small C)yChrw . LSB
Auto-Calibration Systems J1><7543<3KCWE _fr'c to ‘703C gm” Otll'lm: t 1,frai"
PMX7543J'D (VC t0 -70''(2 Chce 1 [SH l
I - fl - - - -
. " MX7543AD -25'C to *85"C Ceramic rl L58
7 ' Functional Diagram MX7543BD 25°C to ITC .C:erarys, t , fB,
---r- - v _" - - - A7 _MX7543(SBD »25"(_: to ~85'C _Ceraljlc_ ;. lSB '
rff)f7513A_0 _25'l to ‘85’C__CLRDIP"7 11 L88
VX7543BO 25°C t vas'dc CERED:‘_ _ _L88 1
MX7643GBQ - -2r'Ctu '85"C CERDIP" - r' _SB_
MEMBSD -55''_C, to '125UC, ICeramK; - 1 LSBj
MX75d3TD - 553C to '12YC Ceramic _ . LSB
m 11x7Y3G> -55'C to .12YC Ceramic _ LSB
_ MAXIM ‘m MX7543SO - 55''C to 425% CERDIP" -1 LSB
t 15 MX7543 I mm ylxrsasTo 5_5_'Cto ~125=c EFRDIP'_' '_ tea
;;rs'r- ---n I-i0l1/hCi10H1ifg 2 sun b MX7543GTO -55=C to 4255C CERDIP" - LED 1
"Ctr A. AEKD . All dewces 16 pm packages
l3 .. Maxun reserves the right to Ship Ceramic packages m 1:0” v-v
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t -- {e} - - - _ Pin Configuration
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[VIIJXI/W - - . Maximlntegrated Products 1
CMOS Serial Input 12-Bit DAG
Vm to AGND -_.F$l......F.lF -02V, +7V
VDD lo DGND .............................. -() 3V, +7V
AGND to DGND ....__FllF.9..l.F..._ Vor,
DGND to AGND ................................... Vor,
Dlgltal Input Voltage to DGND ....... -0 3V, Voc, + 03V
le5 4-11, 13)
V;.N., V” to AGND ................. -0 3V, Von + 0 3V
vRH to AGND ................................... +25v
VpFEI to AGND .................................... t25V
Power Dissipation .......................... 450mW
(derate 6mW/°C above +70°C)
Operating Temperature Range
Commercial MX7543J, K, GK ........... 0°C to 070°C
Industrial MX7543A, B, GB ........... -25c'C to 185°C
Military MX7543S, T, GT ............. -55''C to 1125"C
Storage Temperature ................ -65cC to '150'C
Lead Temperature (Solderlng 10 sec) ........... +300°C
Stresses above those usred under "Absolute Maxrmum Ratings 'may cause permanent damage to the device These are stress Ialmgs only, and
lunchonal operallon of the dewce at these or any other condlllons above moss Indlcated 1n the operational secllons of the spec#rcanorrs IS my
1mp/1ed Exposure tto absolute maxrmum ratings conditions for extended perrods may affect dewce whammy
l = TWN to TMAX, VDD = HN, VREF = +10V, Voun = VOUT2 = GND. unless otherwise specified)
Resolution 12 Bats
MX7543J/A/S fl
Non-Lmearity MX7543K/B/T +015 LSB
MX7543GK/GB/GT i0 5
MX7543J/A/S (Note 1) ‘12
Differential Non-Llnearity MX7543K/B/T (Note 2) +1 LSB
MX7543GK/GB/GT (Note 2) +1
MX7543J/K/A/B/S/T T, -" 25°C 112.3 l
MX75430/K/A/B TMIN to TMAX 113,5
MX7543S/T T to T +14 5
Gem Error MIN MAX 1 LSB
MX7543GK/GB/GT TA = 25°C i1 '
MX7543GK/GB TMIN to TMAX 1,1
MX75436T TMIN to MAX 12
Cam Temperature Coefficient lo
AGain/ATemperalure (Note 4) 2 5 13me C
T - T, = 25°C 0.005 /
Power Supply Relecuon PSRR VDD - +4 75V to +5.25V TMIN to TMAX 0i)1 "/o/%Voc,
TA = 25°C 1
Output Leakage Current MX7543J/K/GK TMIN to TMAX 10 nA
IOU“. Iours (Note 3) MX7543A/B/GB TMIN to MAX 10 1
MX7543S/T/GT TMIN to TMAx 200
Output Current Settling Time To 1/2 LSB, Out1 Load = 1000 2 us
Feedlhrough Error VREF = t10V 10kHz sine wave 215 mVpp
Input Resistance (po 15) l REE; 1 8 15 25 1 m
Cour, DAC Register 0000 0000 0000 75
_ . DACRegister111111111111 260 -
Output Capacitance Cave DAC Register 1111 1111 1111 75 pF
c0012 DAC Register 0000 0000 0000 260
Note 1:
Note 2:
Note 3:
Monolonic to 11 bits from TMIN to '1'MAX
Monotomc to 12 bus from TMIN to TMAX
IBM“ tested Wllh DAC register loaded to all 0's
ION; tested wnh DAC register loaded to all 1's
Note 4: Guaranteed by demgn but not tested
Note 5: Sample tested at 025°C to ensure compliance.