MX7537JCWG ,Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A ConvertorsApplications
Process Control
Digitally Controlled Filters
. No 12-Blt DAG: In One ..
MX7537JCWG+ ,CMOS, Parallel Loading, Dual, 12-Bit Multiplying DACGeneral Description
The Maxim MX7537/MX7547contain two 12-bit current-
output multiplying digit ..
MX7537JN ,Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A ConvertorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +12V to +15V, i10%. VREFA = VREFB = +1OV, VAGND = VDGND ' VIOU ..
MX7537JP ,CMOS Parallel Loading Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A ConvertersApplications
Process Control
Digitally Controlled Filters
. No 12-Blt DAG: In One ..
MX7537KP ,Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A Convertors19-2249; Rev 1 ,' 7/95
lVl/J X I/VI
CMOS Parallel Loading
Dual "am Multiplying D/A Convert ..
MX7538KCWG ,レP Compatible CMOS 14-Bit D/A ConverterFeatures
. 12 Bit Linearity (1/2 LSB)
. 1 LSB Gain Accuracy
. Guaranteed Monotonic
. Low ..
NDS7002 ,N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications.______________________________________________________________________________________ ..
NDS7002 ,N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise notedASymbol Parameter Conditions Type Min Typ ..
NDS8410A ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorMarch 1997 NDS8410ASingle N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8410S ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS8425 ,Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETNDS8425January 2001NDS8425 Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET
NDS8426 ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A Convertors
19-2249; Rev f; 7/95
CMOS Parallel Loading
Dual 12-1311! Multiplying D/A Converters
Gonoral "etatrmtton Features
The Maxim MX7537/MX7547contain two 12-bit current-
output multiplying f.'igiltrltgr,tq converters (DAC) . TWo 12-Blt DAC' In one Pmtkage
in 3 single ',i5'lglt InEut level shi ers, data registers . 0.5% DAC-to-DAC Malchlng
an contro ogic ma e microprocessor inte acing "
straightforward. Operation is from a sin le +12V to . Narrow " MP, Wide so, and PLCC Package'
+15V powqr supply J.ny.iptaining TTL, 74 C and 5V . 4-Quadrant Multiplication
grosxlosgf f,',':,'':':':-','; CSB W I I . Low INL and DNL (i1/2 LSB max)
e M 7 7 accepts ' , contro signals
and 12 data inputs for DAC selection and full parallel t Galn Accuracy to Al LSB max
data loadirag. Th hgx7533'7 receivgs iata% betes, . Low Galn Tempoo Wippmf'C max)
using a rig t justi ie 8+ ormat. ' 1, , R and
UPD signals provide full control for DAC selection . Operates with Single +12Vto +15V Supply
and data loading. . Fast Microprocessor lnlertaco
Each of the DACs in the MX7537/MX7547 provides 4-
quadrant multiplication capabilities and separate ref- Ordering Information
erence input and feedback resistor pings“); Sge,,7 GAIN
additionally makes available separate pins or TEMP. RAN E m " E
applications where each DAC is biased 'at a different mm G c G ERROR
voltage. Sinqe both DACs are on a sin , monolithic unsanN _ tPC to 410°C 24 Plastic DIP t6 LSB
gun. matchllr'ig tare; .tempera.ture 2glifagt /,'j,',t,1't1'rr',1 MX7537KN 0°C to "trc 24 Plastic DIP 13 LSB
em IS exce en . tun error IS spec: t a ess an . .
KI LSB, and 12-bit linearity and monotonicity are MX753rLN 5f w "0°C 24 It.stt DIP AI LSB
guaranteed over the full operating temperature ranges. W753'NCWG 0 C to "o C 24 WM" so A6 LSB
Maxim's MX7537 and MX7547 are available in narrow MX7537KCWG rt,'',,','.', to fd',','.', 24 Pf.'' so A3 LSB
24-Iead 0.3" DIP and Wide SO. as well as, 28-pin-lead W537LCWG o C to +70 C 24 Wide so AI LSB
PLCC packages. MX7537JP 0°C to +7o°c 28 PLCC i6 LSB
Applications MX7537KP 0°C to +7tPC 28 PLCC 13 LSB
. . MX7537LP 0°C to new 28 PLCC ll LSB
Automatic Test Equipment MX7537JID. 0°C to +7o°c Dice 16 LSB
Audio Gain Control MX7537AQ -25°c to +85°C 24 CERDIP 16 LSB
Motion Control Systems MX7537BO -2S'C to +85°C 24 CERDIP A3 LSB
MX7537CQ -25°c to +es°c 24 CERDIP AI LSB
Synchro Applications
Process Control
Digitally Controlled Filters
fOrtiertrtg tnfomtatlon contlnuod on page 15.)
Pin Configurations
AGNDA l: . V E AttNDB Top View mun E . V E] Ioun
louu I: El lam loun E E an.
"ME Etl HF“ "PM E CE Vnm
as E MX7537 El Von a E MX7547 E ar,
DB0 E E m (Lsawao E E tri,
DBt cr: E sTiii DBt CE E 0311 (M83)
DB2 E E a 9.2 I: E mm
083E E Al on: E E can
DB4 CE E M DB4 IE E on:
DBs [E E DB DBS E E 031
DGNDE Eons DGND [E E one
800 page 5 tor Matte Chip Carnot CemfltturaBoets.
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
Maxim In tagratad Products 1
CMO$ Parallel Loading
Dual 124m Multiplying D/A Converters
Von to DGND ................................ ALW, +171/
bfrera, 6rerrr to AGND ... ....... A25V
RFBA' VRFBB to AGND ..e........................e. A25V
Digital Input Voltage to DGND ... -0.3V, VDO+03V
bum, Iowa Voltage to DGND .... .... Ah311, Vu/Om/
AGND to DGND ......................... -O.3V. VDD+0.3V
Power Dissipation (Any Package)
To +75''C ..................................... 450mw
Derates above +75°C ......................... 6mW/°C
Operating Temperature Range
MX7537J/K/L. MX7547J/K/L .............. 0°C to '70''C
MX7537A/B/C. MX7547A/B/C ........... -25°C to +85°C
MX7537JE/KE/LE, MX7547JE/KE/LE . MtPC to +85''C
MX7537S/T/O, MX7547S/T/0 .......... -55°C to '125''C
Storage Temperature Range ............. -65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ............. +300°C
Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions abovs those indicated in the operational section: of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device "rtiatxtsiy.
(vDD = +12v to +15v. i10%, ar, = Vnms = +10V, Kass, = vDGND = ' = View = OV, output amplifiers are MAX400s,
TA = TMIN to Tm unless otherwise noted.)
Resolution N 12 Bits
. MX75X7J/A/O AI
Relative Accuracy INL MX75X7K/L/B/C/T/U Ah LSB
Differential .
N o nli n ea rity DNL All grades guaranteed monotonic over temperature. ll LSB
, Measured using RF“. Rms. . "17i'fllfi tl
Gain Error FSE tt DAC registers loaded with Mx75X7K/B/T A3 LSB
. MX75X7J/A/S A6
Gain Tempco
AGain/ATemperature TCFS AI A5 ppm/°C
(Note 1)
I I DAC register All TA = +25°C AIO
'f1'ltig'fsh8lrrent ILKG 2t with MX75X7J/K/L/A/B/C TA = Tum to Tua, A150 nA
. MX75X73/T/U TA = TMIN to TN 1250
Vnsn- Vnsra Input
Resistance REF 9 14 20 en
' v.1EFB Input AR MX75X7L/C/U 10.5 AI %
Resistance Match REF MX75X7J/K/A/B/S/T 1:05 k3 %
Input High Voltage V," 2.4 V
Input Low Voltage IK 0.8 V
- TA = +25°c AI
Input Current IIN VIN - 0V or Von TA = Tum to me AIO pA
Input Capacitan
(Note 1) , cm 10 pF
2 MI] X I All