MX7536JP+ ,µP-Compatible, 14-Bit DACFeatures
14-Bit Monotonic over Full Temperature Range
Full 4-0uadrant Multiplication
M' Comp ..
MX7536KN+ ,µP-Compatible, 14-Bit DACGeneral Description
The MX7536 is a high performance CMOS monolithic
14-bit (digital-tra-analog ..
MX7537JCWG ,Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A ConvertorsApplications
Process Control
Digitally Controlled Filters
. No 12-Blt DAG: In One ..
MX7537JCWG+ ,CMOS, Parallel Loading, Dual, 12-Bit Multiplying DACGeneral Description
The Maxim MX7537/MX7547contain two 12-bit current-
output multiplying digit ..
MX7537JN ,Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A ConvertorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(VDD = +12V to +15V, i10%. VREFA = VREFB = +1OV, VAGND = VDGND ' VIOU ..
MX7537JP ,CMOS Parallel Loading Dual 12-Bit Multiplying D/A ConvertersApplications
Process Control
Digitally Controlled Filters
. No 12-Blt DAG: In One ..
NDS7002 ,N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications.______________________________________________________________________________________ ..
NDS7002 ,N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics T = 25°C unless otherwise notedASymbol Parameter Conditions Type Min Typ ..
NDS8410A ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorMarch 1997 NDS8410ASingle N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS8410S ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS8425 ,Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFETNDS8425January 2001NDS8425 Single N-Channel, 2.5V Specified PowerTrench MOSFET
NDS8426 ,Single N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
µP-Compatible, 14-Bit DAC
19-071Revtl/89 2pllALA'llDii)Cils)'ly'[l
gdo compatible 14-Bit D/A (Converter
----------.-_ General Description -__--_ e, - _~____ Features
The MX7536 is a high performance CMOS monolithic 14-Bit Monotonic over Full Temperature Range
14-bit digitaI-to-analog converter (DAC) that is opti- - . .
mized and specified to operate as a bipolar output Full 4 Quadrant Multiplication
part. Since the resistors required for 4-quadrant multi- pP Compatible Double Buttered Inputs
plying operation are included in the MX7536, only two . . o
op amps and a voltage reference are required exter- Exceptionally Low Gain Tempco (2ppm/ C)
nally. Wafer level laser trimmed thin-film resistors and Low Output Leakage (<20nA) over the Full
temperature compensated NMOS switches assure Temperature Range
specified performance over the full operating temp-
erature ranges with exceptional linearity and gain Low Power Consumption
stability. TTL and CMOS Compatible
The MX7536 is configured to operate with an 8- or . -
16-bit data bus with separate Most Significant (MS) ._______Ordermg Information
and Least Significant (LS) byte chip select controls.
00 69609
In addition, all di ital in uts are compatible with both PART TEMP. RANGE PACKAGE' ACCURACY
TTL d5VCM%SIp'I I Thedevi .
an . OglC eve s. e eVIce IS pro- W, N o t ,70. Pl ti DIP " LSB
tected against CMOS "latchup" and does not require 5360 o C 0 9C as IC
external Schottky protection diodes. MX7536KN 0°C to '70 C Plastic DIP el LSB
The MX7536 is available in 28-pin 600 mil wide DIP, MX7536JCWI 0°C to .70''C Wide so +2 LSB
PLCC or Small Outline (SO) packages. MX7536KCWI 0°C to 00°C Wide so .1 LSB
Applications MX7536JP 0°C to 00°C PLCC " LSB
M hi a d M ti C t IS t MX7536KP 0°Clo 00°C PLCC Fl LSB
ac me n n n r m
. o 't o 0 yse s MX7536J/D 0°Cto 970°C Dice +2 LSB
Automatic Test Equipment MX7536AO -25°C to '85''C CERDIP .2 LSB
Digital Audio MX7536BO -25''C to ~85°C CERDIP oi LSB
pP Controlled Calibration Circuitry MX7536AD -25°C to 435°C Ceramic t2 LSB 4
MX753680 -25°C to 985°C Ceramic tl LSB
Programmable Gain Amplifiers
(Orderlng Inlarmatlon continued on page 10. J
Digitally Controlled Filters 'Maxlm reserves the right to shlp Ceramic In lieu of CERDIP packages.
Programmable Power Supplies Pin Configuration
Functional Dia ram .
g Top View
va Rim VREF Voo am, [T o w vmv
28 1 2 126
Van E CE] Vss
R2 R1 Rn R
"---Qs---i--dl--t)'er-,-ltx-3- Rra RFB E E] V00
tour i: CE] iFii
f DAC LADDER louT AGNDS E Eil 55715
IVI/l x I An 14 6 ll/I A X I IVI _
Mh7536 AGNDF DGND E MX7536 E csusa
--.- r--" ._1
l DAC REGISTER o,----" LDAC iMSB)DB13 LL L Dams”)
l <6 ii 0312 94 21L't DBI
TCL" =
MS LS 24 __ DBt1 LIS, L DB
INPUT INPUT - CSLSB new '7 7,1 DB3
I 22 CSMSB l DB9 31 E 084
l [ CL, 1 Des VF T 035
2 F, 25 - fie S:
I 1 WR l DB7 le, -'L DB6
, 8F------ ----21 Ir firm i
' 0313 DB0 DGND Vss ‘I See page IO for Plastic Chip Carrier Pm Configuration
I w - t
An A A I /y| IS a registered trademark of Maxum Integrated Products.
MA A3t om Maxim Integrated Products 1
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at
1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at .
“P Compatible 14-18: D/A Converter
VDD to DGND .............................. -0.3V, +17V
Vss to AGND ............................... -15V, +0.3V
VREF to AGND .................................... t25V
Rpa to AGND ..................................... i25V
RM to AGND .................................... 125V
va to AGND .................................... i25V
Digital Input Voltage (pins 8-25)
to DGND ............................. -0.3V, Voo Hh3V
V (pin 4) to DGND -0.3V, V00 +0.3V
AGND to DGND ....................... -0.3V, V00 +0,3V
Power Dissipation (any package) ............... 1000mw
Derate above 75°C .......................... 10mW/°C
Operating Temperature Ranges
Mx7536J/K .............................. 0°C to *70°C
MX7536A/B _..-.....-....-.. -25°C to '85''C
MX7536S/T ........................... -55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature ................... -65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 sec) ............ +300°C
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratin s" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only. and
functional operation of the device at these or any other con itions above those indicated in the operational sections ot the specifications IS not
implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
(TA = TMIN to TMAX. VDD = +11.4V to +15.75V(NOte1).VnEF = +10V, VAGNDF = VAGNDS = Vss = 0V unless otherwise noted,)
Resolution 14 Bits
Relative Accuracy mgggf/IB/ST £2 LSB
. . . . Guaranteed Monotonic MX7536K/B/T
Differential Non-Linearity Over Temperature MX7536J/A/S tl LSB
Measured with internal Rye and ll
Full Scale Error includes effects of leakage MX7536d/A/S - 6 LSB
. MX7536K/B/T i8
current and gain TC,
Error due to mismatch between Rye and offset
resistor. It also includes leakage current to +
Offset Error low and is measured when the DAC is loaded t4 LSB
with all Os.
Gain Temperature
Coefficient (Note 2) i2 +5 ppm/°C
Offset Temperature " f
Coefficient (Note 2) bff,7iiltl//1f, "pl ii, ppm/°C
AOttset/ATemperature ' - - .
VREF Input Resistance Rag; 3 13 k0
va Input Resistance Rmv 8 _
Logic HlGH threshold 1hros +2 4 V
Logic LOW threshold VINL +0.8
I IL k t Di itali t ov v “”2500 tl A
nu eaaecurren llamus= or u
p g g p DD T, -, TMIN to TMAX "-IO
Input Capacitance F
(Note 2) CW 7 p
2 --- - - /Vl/JX|/Vl