MX7533KCWE ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.1%General Description
The MX7533 is a low cost CMOS 4-quadrant multiply-
ing digital-to-analog co ..
MX7533KCWE ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.1%79-0939, Rev 1a; 7/95
MX7533KEWE ,CMOS, Low-Cost, 10-Bit Multiplying D/A ConverterGeneral Description
The MX7533 is a low cost CMOS 4-quadrant multiply-
ing digital-to-analog co ..
MX7533KN ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.1%ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(TA = Twr: to TMAX, VDD = +15\/, VREF = +10V. Voun = VOUT2 = GND, unl ..
MX7533LCWE ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.05%Applications MX7533LN 0°C to +70°c Plastic DIP 0.05%
F . MX7533JCWE 0°C to +70°c Small Outline 0 ..
MX7533LCWE ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.05%ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(TA = Twr: to TMAX, VDD = +15\/, VREF = +10V. Voun = VOUT2 = GND, unl ..
NDS355AN ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFeaturesTMSuperSOT -3 N-Channel logic level enhancement mode1.7A, 30 V, R = 0.125 Ω @ V = 4.5 V ..
NDS355AN_NL ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications in notebook computers, portable phones, PCMCIA thermal and electrical capabilities.car ..
NDS355AN_NL ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS355N ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFeaturesThese N-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field 1.6A, 30V. R = 0.125Ω @ V = 4.5 ..
NDS356 ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS356P ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.2%
19-0939, Rev 1a; 7/95
- General Description
The MX7533 is a low cost CMOS 4-quadrant multiply-
ing digital-to-analog converter (DAC). An advanced
silicon gate CMOS process combines 10 bit linearity,
low power consumption, and excellent long term
stability. Thin-film resistors provide 1.4% untrimmed
gain error and less than 0.1% gain change with
temperature over all operating ranges.
The device operates from a single +5V to +15V supply.
All digital inputs are compatible with both CMOS and
TTL logic levels.
Maxim's MX7533 is pin and functionally compatible
CMOS Low Cost " Bit
Multiplying D/A Converter
Fea tures
t 10 Bit Resolution
. 8, 9, and 10 Bit End Point Linearity
. Low Power Consumption - 20mW
. Four-Quadrant Multiplication
t TTL and CMOS Compatible
. Pin-For-Pin Second Source
7 Ordering Information
with Analog Devices' AD7533 as well as the AD7520. It PART TEMP. 'e" PACKAGE' ERROR
is packaged in 16-lead DIP and small outline packages. MX7533JN 0°C to +70''C Plastic DIP 0.2% -
MX7533KN tPC to '7ty'C Plastic DIP J1%
Applications MX7533LN 0°C to +70°c Plastic DIP 0.05%
. V MX7533JCWE 0°C to +70°C Small Outline 0.2% l
Machine and Motion Control Systems MX7533KCWE 0''Cto +70°c Small Outline 0.1% 1
Automatic Test Equipment MX7533LCWE 0°C to r70''C Small Outline 0 05% (
pp Controlled Calibration Circuitry MX7533J/D 0°C to o70''C Dice 012% j
Programmable Gain Amplifiers MX7533AO -25°C to +85°C CERDIP" 0.2%
Digitally Controlled Filters MX7533BQ -25°Cto +35°c CERDIP" 0.1%
. MX7533CO -25°c to +85°C CERDIP" 0.05%
Programmable Power Supplies MX7533AD -25''C to +65°C Ceramic J2%
MX7533BD -25''C to +85°C Ceramic 0.1%
Wpical Operating Circuit Mx7533co -25°c to +85°c Ceramic (105%
MX753380 -55°c to +125°c CERDIP" 0.2%
MX7533TQ -55'C) to +125°C CERDIP" 0.1%
MX7533UO -55“C to +125°C CERDIP" 0,05%
MX75338D -55°C to +125°C Ceramic 0.2%
MX7533TD -55°C to +125° 0 Ceramic 0.1%
MX7533UD -55°C to +125°C Ceramic 0.05%
Ill“ 1%
15 :114 10mm
Wer Vno \ 'ty
Iver) xvmxun 0”" -
MX7533 nun V
V 2 mum
413 itrg all = OUTPUT
Programmable Function Generator
. All devices - t6 lead packages.
_. Maxim reserves the right Io ship Ceramic packages in lieu of
CERDIP packages.
Pin Configure tian
Top View
nun E V 16 n“,
illtil E lVl/le/VI m hn 1
MT I msa] u MX7533 E BIT Ill [L88] l
BIT 2 a E ma
am Le: a 8IT8
BIT 4 [Z 10 an 7
lVl/lXIM i
_ Maxim Integrated Products 1
Can to" free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MX 7533
CMOS Low Cost 10 Bit
Multiplying D/A Converter
Vo:, to GND ...... A13V, +17V
VF.EF to GND ...... t25V
Rm to GND ........................... t25V
Digital Input Voltage to GND .................. Ah3V, Von
Output Voltage (0UT1, OUT) (Note 1) .. BV, V00
Power Dissipation
Plastic DIP (Derate 8.3mW/° C above +7ty' C) ......... 670mw
Ceramic, CERDIR Small Outline
(Derate 6mW/° C above t75'' C)
Operating Temperature Range
Commercial J/K/L ........................... 0°C to r70''C
Industrial A/B/C ...................... . 4W' C to +853 C
Military S/T/U ....................... . . -55° C to rt25''C
Storage Temperature ........................ -65° C to + 150° C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 secs) ................. +300° C
Stresses above those l/sled under “Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the thywctr. These are stress ratings only and functional
operation of ma devrce at mass or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational secnons of the specmcanons IS not :mphed Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may atfttttt dewce reliability.
(TA = TWN to TMAX, V00 = +15V, VREF = +10V, Vour, = VouT2 = GND, unless otherwise specified)
Note 1: V0011 2 may exceed the Absolute Maximum voltage rating if the current is limited to 30mA or less.
Note 2: Using internal feedback resistor (Ro), Full scale range (FSR) 7 -(VREF -1LSB) In unipolar mooe,
Note 3: Maximum gain change from 'EPC to TMIN or TMM is t0.1% FSR.
Note 4: Guaranteed by design but not 100% tested.
Note 5: Guaranteed by design and sample tested at 45°C to ensure compliance.
Resolution 10 Bits
MX7533J/A/S t0dl
Relative Accuracy (Note 2) MX7533K/B/T ton % FSR
MX7533L/C/U f0.05
Gain Error (Note 2,3) Digital Inputs - ho, 1:416:25“ 1 2:: Wo FSR
; - 4__J
Power Supply Rejection - TA = 45°C 01005
(Note 4) AGain/JVDD PSRR vs, - r14V to '17V Tm to TM“ 0008 %/%VDD
OUT1, Digital Inputs = VINL, TA = r25''C t50
Vm = tlov TWN to TMAX t200 A
Output Leakage Current OUT2. Digital Inputs = Voor TA = r25''C :50
Vrer = t10V TMUN to Tsux t200
vREF Input Resistance Rag; TA = 45°C 5 10 20 kil
- - _1 a _
VRE; Resistance Tempco L -300 ppm/° C
Output Current Jt 3123/3031an to1000. TA = +25° C 600 ns
Settling Time (Note 5) Ct and 3w to W; Tor, to TMAX 800
Digitaunputs--VmL.Vnsr=+-10V, T, - t25OC :005 -
Feedthrough Error (Note 4) 100KHz Sinewave TMW to TMAX 101 % FSR
Di ital In uts = V OUT1 100
g p INH OUT2 35 F
Output Capacitance (Note 4) Cour OUT1 35 p
Digital Inputs t VINL OUT2 100
Logic HIGH Threshold Vor, r2 4 v
Logic LOW Threshold VINL *0 B V I
Input Leakage Current Digital Inputs = 0V or V00 tl “A
Input Capacitance (Note 4) 5 l pF i
*15V t10%10r Rated Accuracy '135 46.5
Operating Supply Range VDD --- V
Accuracy Not Guaranteed (Note 4) +5 ~16 5
Power Supply Current '00 Digital Inputs = Vom or VINL 2 mA 4
lVl/J X I /Vl