MX7530JN ,cmos 10 and 12 Bit Multiplying D/A ConvertersWuan-eDem.
mogse. Rev l, n95
CMOS " and " Bit
Multiplying D/A Converters
MX7531JN ,CMOS 12 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.2%Applications MX7530LN 0°C to +70°c Plastic DIP 0.05%
Machine and Motion Control Systems MX7530JCWE ..
MX7533JCWE ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.2%General Description
The MX7533 is a low cost CMOS 4-quadrant multiply-
ing digital-to-analog co ..
MX7533JN ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.2%79-0939, Rev 1a; 7/95
MX7533JN ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.2%General Description
The MX7533 is a low cost CMOS 4-quadrant multiply-
ing digital-to-analog co ..
MX7533JN ,CMOS low-cost 10 bit multiplying D/A converter. Error 0.2%Applications MX7533LN 0°C to +70°c Plastic DIP 0.05%
F . MX7533JCWE 0°C to +70°c Small Outline 0 ..
NDS352P ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorMarch 1996NDS352P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS355 ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS355AN ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFeaturesTMSuperSOT -3 N-Channel logic level enhancement mode1.7A, 30 V, R = 0.125 Ω @ V = 4.5 V ..
NDS355AN_NL ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications in notebook computers, portable phones, PCMCIA thermal and electrical capabilities.car ..
NDS355AN_NL ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS355N ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFeaturesThese N-Channel logic level enhancement mode power field 1.6A, 30V. R = 0.125Ω @ V = 4.5 ..
cmos 10 and 12 Bit Multiplying D/A Converters
19-0938; Rev 1, 7/95
CMO$ " and " Bit
Multiplying D/A Converters
General Description
The MX7530 and MX7531 are low cost CMOS multiply-
ing digital-to-analog converters (DAC) with 10 and 12
bit resolution respectively. Both DACs operate from a
single +5V to +15V supply and dissipate only 20mW.
Thin-film resistors provide typically 0.3% untrimmed
gain error and 10ppm/°C maximum gain tempco. All
digital inputs are compatible with both CMOS and
TTL logic levels.
0 10 or 12 Bit Resolullon
O 8, 9, and 10 Bit End Point Linearity
. Low Power Consumption - 20mW
. Four-Quadrant Muitlplltratlon
. TTL and CMOS Compatible
. Pln-For-Pln Second Source
Maxim's MX7530 and MX7531 are electrically and pin Ordering Information
compatible with Analog Devices' AD7530 and AD7531.
The MX7530 is packaged in a 16-lead DIP and the mm TEMR RANGE PACKAGE ERROR
MX7531 is packaged in an 18-Iead DIP. Both parts are . , .
available in Small Outline packages as well. MX753NN 0 cm r70 c Phstig DIP 0.2%
MX7530KN tPC to o7ty'C Mastic DIP 0.1%
Applications MX7530LN tPC to +70°c Plastic DIP 0.05%
Machine and Motion Control Systems MX753NCWE 0°Cto +70°c SmallOutline 0.2%
. . MX7530KCWE tPC to *70°C Small Outline 0.1%
Automatic Test Equipment .
. ' . . MX7530LCWE tPC to owe Small Outline 0.05%
pp Controlled Calibration Circuitry MX753N/D 0°Cto o70''C Dice 0.2%
Programmable Gain Amplifiers MX753ND -25''Cto +85"; Ceramic 02%
Digitally Controlled Filters MX7530KD -25°Cto +55°c Ceramic 0.1%
Programmable Power Supplies MX7530LD -25''Cto +85°c Ceramic 0.05%
MX7530JO -25°c to +85'c CERDIP" 02%
Pin Configurations MX7530KO -25''C to '85''C CERDIP" 0.1%
T Vi MX7530L0 -25°Cto +85°c CERDIP" 0.05%
op lew . MX7530 - 16lead package, MX7531 - 18Iead package
.. Maxim reserves the right to ship Ceramic packages in lieu of
OUT] I: V I" Bra CERDIP packages.
gun CE Eil um Ordering information continued on last page.
arm LE E u . . .
BIT I IMSB) [I MX7530 E] 8IT lil Ma Typical Operating Gircu'it
8lf 2 [E E] BIT il
an a LE I1] BIT a
thm CE V E ttrs
OUT IE E hs,
END CE E] hn
an I mss; E MAXW E an It [L88]
am I: Mx7531 E an n
8IT 3 E ii) B” IO Io = L. o = Digital Input Code. -
BIT 4 EE E] BIT 9 1024
BIT 5 CE E BIT 8 Digital Current Controller
an a I: E] an 7
IVl/JXI/VI Maxim Integrated Products 1
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at
1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim's website at www.maxim-iacom.
MX 7530/ 317
cmos " and " Bit
Multiplying D/A Converters
Vop to GND ..................................... -0.3V. +17V Operating Temperature
VREF to GND .......................................... t25V Commercial (JN/KN/LN/JC/KC/LC) ........... 0''C to +70°C
Rpe to GND .......................................... t25V Industrial (JD/KD/LD/JQ/KQ/LO) ........... -25°C to +85°C
Digital Input Voltage to GND ....................... -0.3V. VDD Storage Temperature ........................ -65°C to rt5tPC
Output Voltage (OUT1, OUT2) (Note 1) .............. -0.3V. VDD Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 secs) ................. +300°C
Power Dissipation (Derate 6mW/°C above +75°C) ...... 450mW
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those Indicated in the operational sections of the "ee'ttications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions far extended periods may athtttt device reliability.
(TA=+25°C. VDD = +15V, VREF = +10V, Voun = Voura = GND, unless otherwise specified)
Dtt ACCURACY (Note 2)
Resolution 3;;233 12 Bits
Relative Accuracy :3: iilet, 1,'ev' ti2 :33 = l' gilt: i 3.12 % FSR
0.05% FSR = 10 Bits L t0.05
Nonlinearity Tempco -10V s VREF s NOV. (Note 3) 2 ppm/°C
Galn Error -10V S VREF S +10V 0.3 % FSR
Gain Error Tempco -10V s: VREF s +10V. (Note 3) 10 ppm/''C
Output Leakage Current OUTt or OUT2. TA = Tum to TMAX 300 nA
Power Supply Rejection PSRR 50 ppm/%
Vagp Input Resistance RREF 10 kit
Reterence Input Range t10V typical input tl mA
To 0.05% of FSR, all digital inputs
Output Current Settling Time high to low and low to high. 500 ns
Feedthrough Error (Note 3,4) All digital inputs low, Vagp = 20Vp_p. 50kHz sine 10 mVp.p
Output Current Range Both Outputs tl mA
. All digital inputs high, 83;; 13270
Output Capacitance (Note 3) Cour . . . OUT1 37 pF
All digital Inputs low, OUT2 120
Output Noise (Note 3) ttN Both outputs, equivalent Johnson noise resistance 10 kfl
Low State Threshold Ihre 0.8 V
High State Threshold Veo, 2.4 V
Input Current Low to high state 1 PA
InputCoding $335598} 32:38....
Power Supply Range VDD Hi +15 V
Power Supply Current '00 32222: €223: €131“ 5 2 35‘
Total Power Dissipation Including ladder 20 mW
Note 1: Vourte may exceed the Absolute Maximum voltage it the current is limited to 30mA or less.
Note 2: Full Scale Range is 10V for unipolar mode and .t10V for bipolar mode.
Note 3: Guaranteed by design, but not 100% tested.
Note 4: To minimize teedthrough with the ceramic package. the metal lid must be grounded. Itthe lid is not grounded. then the teedthrough is
10mV typical and 30mV maximum.