MX7523JCWE ,CMOS 8Bit Multiplying D/a ConverterGeneral Description
The MX7523 is high performance multiplying 8 bit
digital-to-analog converte ..
MX7523JCWE ,CMOS 8Bit Multiplying D/a ConverterlVI/JXI/Vl
CMOS a Bit Multiplying D/A Converter
MX7523JN ,CMOS 8Bit Multiplying D/a ConverterGeneral Description
The MX7523 is high performance multiplying 8 bit
digital-to-analog converte ..
MX7524 ,Improved MX7524General Description
The MX7524 and MAX7624 are CMOS 8-bit digital-to-
analog converters (DAC) w ..
MX7524JCSE ,CMOS 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsGeneral Description
The MX7524 and MAX7624 are CMOS 3-bit digital-to-
analog converters (DAC) w ..
MX7524JCSE- ,CMOS 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACsFeatures
. Microprocessor Compatible
. On-Chip Data Latches
. Guaranteed Monotonie Over Temp.
. ..
NDS351AN_NL ,N-Channel, Logic Level, PowerTrench MOSFETapplications in notebook computers, portable phones,• Industry standard outline SOT-23 surface moun ..
NDS352AP ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description
NDS352AP_NL ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS352AP_NL ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplicationsusing proprietary SuperSOT -3 design for superior thermalsuch as notebook computer pow ..
NDS352P ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorMarch 1996NDS352P P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS355 ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
CMOS 8Bit Multiplying D/a Converter
CMOS 8 Bit Multiplying D/A Converter
General Description
The MX7523 is high performance multiplying 8 bit
digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Low power CMOS
technology and low cost make it suitable for a wide
range of analog data acquisition and control appli-
Thin-film resistors assure 8 bit resolution with up to
10 bit linearity (L grade) over the full operating tem-
perature range, In addition, all digital inputs are
compatible with CMOS logic levels.
Maxim's MX7523 is electrically and pin compatible
with the Analog Devices AD7523 and is available in a
standard width 16-Iead DIP as well as small outline
- - l __ Applications
Automatic Test Equipment
Digital Calibration Systems
Battery Powered Instruments
Audio Gain Control
Digitally Controlled Filters
Programmable Power Supplies
Motion Control Systems
Pin Configuration
- i — - - _ --,
- ----- - __ Features
. 8, 9 and 10 Bit Linearity
. i1.5% Untrimmed Gain Accuracy
. Guaranteed Monotonic
. Low Feedthrough 1/2LSB at 200kHz
. Low Power Consumption
. CMOS Compatible Logic Inputs
. Widely Second Sourced
_ _ - Ordering Information
r WAT" Tisrp.TaF- -Frcia-GF" EtiGn l
minim. 0°C to ’7_0°C Eagic BIP h‘rLS‘EVi
VX7523KN 6°C to '70°c- Tlastlc Gr, - uLsa -
rri/IX7523LN_ 0°C to ~70°c Plastic DIP "iris l
u-x7ss-237vir-oiE to +70°c nall Tfuonir- ':L.SB _
CCx7s-zrrCcwE_ysct70-oT, 'Eaiiatiine ana
"u-x-Zia/cc-WE-Fc-to-Fr-c- jmall Outime ‘53 7
. All dawces - 16 lead packages
- - Typical Operating Circuit
BIH 8‘15 I
l I ow qao %
M/JXI/vl -
l OUT] d 16 R” _ “IJX/‘VPR n: " v, _
0U12{2_ 15 Iles l 2 Gun vw
Illf 1 MS“ »‘ MX7523 13 " l I T l i
i 3112; 7 " 'r--rr2yr----l--- m:
_ en 3 T BIT 8 [L88] l l
an 4 T' _ am I
5115 IC 9 ans l w ' 315
I D -" fjigitai Input Cod
Y I Digitally Controlled Gain _
[MAXIM - k _ - W - Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MX 7523
CMOS B Bit Multiplying D/A Converter
V1; :0 GND ........... ,. ..., I. -0.3V, 47V Storage Temperature ......... ~65 C to' 150 C
V“, to GND, ...... -25V Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 secs: ................ r3(X)' C
an 10 GND ............... ;25V Power Dissipation to 70'C
Drotal Input Voltage to GND _-__...-...-. -0 3V. VDD Plastic DIP .................................. 670mW
Orstput Voltage (OUTI. OUT2) (Note l) .............. -0 3V, VDD Small Outline ................................... 450mW
Operating Temperature ......................... irc to v70’C
Stresses above rhose Izsled undel Absolure Ma ximum Hannys may cause permaner‘l damage Jo the sewn: Those are stress ramgs only .md ametrrwmI
opularzon ot Mo devIce aI these OI any other ColidIIIO/Is above those Indlcared m the operalIonuI secnons o, Me speollcahons I: rm! "nplred FXDOSUH‘ Iu
"sol/e nmxnvmm raIIng COHUIIIQIH for Cxle/Ided periods may affect dewce reliabimy
(TA - TLHN to TMAX, VDD' - -15V, VREF - *10V. VOL”, - VOLT - GND, unless otherwise specified)
_ iack:i ACCU-RACY
0.2% FSH = ‘LILSB
01% FSR = :LSB
O 05% FSR = 'LILSB
Nonlinearity (Note 2)
i Gain Error (Note 2, 3)
Dotal Inputs T, VINH
Power Supply Rejecilon (Note 2) PSRH VDD - "I4V to v15V
OUT1, Digital Inputs - VINL
,' Output Leakage Current
OUT2. Digital Inputs T V,NH
i Isl - 45°C i
" (Note4)
I VRE: Input Reststance RnEr
VREF ReSIsIance Tempco
MIN. :TVP _ptru_t: I UNITS
a i i i - Tans
J .._ _
L I' I
Guaranteed - I
T, - ~25°c 115 o
TMIN to TMAx I . 1,8 a
TA = r25''C 0.02 W, v
TMW to TMAX 003 I o an
T, = +25=c -50 _
1-~J°TMAL g - - 2:0; nA
T, "c 25°C v50
TMIN to TM,U -200 I
I 7 - - I
I 5 1O 20, kl!
I --- - -- -
Output Current Settling Time
i to 0.2% of FSR
Ru = 1600. Digital Inputs I
Digital Inputs = VWL.
ieedthrough Error vREF - 20vapi 200 KHz
, Digital Inputs : VWH
Output Capacitance Com
l ' Digital Inputs T V,NL
----- -_l__,
LogIc HIGH Thresholc VINH
Logic LOW Threshold VINL
Input Leakage Current DIgItal Inputs = 0V or +15V
I put Capacitance (Now 4; -
’npul Codmg Umpolar Operation (Table I)
Bipolar Operation (Table 2)
-TA" -
I PtowerSupply Range I VDD _ ccuracy ntotguaranteed
over this range
|lower Supply Current _rj_ro, Digital Inputs - VINH or VINL
Note I; Voun 2 may exceed the Absolute Maximum voltage rating " the current is limited to 30mA or less.
LT: I25=c --- 15 - I-rc,--') -
N_H_1uro_1o,,T_seA_x - --- -2_00 i- i
TA:+25°C f'
Tww, -_- - “fiI, -
OUT1 100
OUT2 30
---- n - - pF
-otrT; 30 l
OUT2 100
cCn M i P "7
I i - ---1 T -
I -0.5 V
‘Binary i
- 7ePtrr - - if
l +5 HST V
---" ——+ - -1aj-; IX]
Note 2: Using internal feedback resistor (FIFE), Full scale range (FSR) = -(VREF -ILSB) in unipolar mode.
Note 3: Maximum gain change trom '25''C to TMIN or TSSAX is ttWh FSR.
Note 4: Guaranteed by design but not 100% tested.
- lVI/J XI/Vl