MX7226KEWP ,CMOS Quad 8-Bit D/A ConvertersGeneral Description
Maxim's MX7225 and MX7226 each contain four 8-bit volt-
age-output digital- ..
MX7226KN ,CMOS Quad 8-Bit D/A ConvertersApplications
Minimum Component Count Analog Systems
Digital Offset/Gain Adjustment
Industrial Pr ..
MX7226KN ,CMOS Quad 8-Bit D/A ConvertersFeatures
' Buffered Voltage Output
' Double-Buffered Inputs (MX7225)
' Microprocessor and TT ..
MX7226KN+ ,CMOS, Quad, 8-Bit DAC with Voltage-Output Amplifier LatchesELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dull Supply SpeeMcations (oonlinued)
PARAMETER swam. connmous um. TYP ..
MX7228KCWG ,CMOS Octal 8-Bit D/A ConverterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS-Dual Supply Operation
(VDD -" +10.8V to +16.5V, Vss = -5V t10%, GND : 0 ..
MX7228KCWG+ ,CMOS, Octal, 8-Bit DACFeatures
Ordering Information
MX7228KN 0°C to +70°C Plastic D ..
NDS331 ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS332 ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS335 ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications in notebook computers, portable phones, PCMCIAand electrical capabilities.cards, and o ..
NDS335 ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS335N ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorJuly 1996 NDS335N N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistor
NDS335N_NL ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
CMOS Quad 8-Bit D/A Converters
19-0932; Rev 1; 4193
GMOS Quad 8-Bit D/A Converters
General Description
Maxim's MX7225 and MX7226 each contain four 8-bit volt-
age-output digital-to-analog converters (DACs). They
include output buffer amplifiers and input logic for simple
microprocessor and ITL/CMOS interfaces. 8-bit perfor-
mance is achieved over the full operating temperature
range without external trimming.
The MX7225 contains double-buffered logic inputs that
allow all analog outputs to be simultaneously updated
using one control signal. There are also four separate ref-
erence inputs so that the range of each DAC can be
independently set.
' Buffered Voltage Output
6 Double-Buffered Inputs (MX7225)
. Microprocessor and TTLICMOS Compatible
. Operate from Single or Dual Supplies
. Require No External Adjustments
oreerjng, Information
The MX7226 has separate input registers for each of its PART TEMP. RANGE PIN-PACKAGE (LSB)
four DACs. Data is transferred into an input register from Mx7225LN 0°C to 70°C 24 Pl .
' . . t DIP 1
a common 8-bit TTL/CMOS-compatible input port, a + a Tf *
Address inputs A0 and A1 determine which DAC is MX7225KN 0 Cto +70 C 24PlasticryP "
loaded when WR goes low. All DACs share a common MX7225LCWG ooczo +7tPC 24 Wide so 11
reference input. v I h MX7225KCWG 0°C to +70%: 24 Wide so "
For 7225 and 7226 designs utilizing a 5 supp y, see t e o o
MAX505 and MAX506 data sheet. MX7225LP 0 C to +70 C 28 PLCC tl
A r H n MX7225KP 0°C to +70°C 28 PLCC "
. V pp tea a s MX7225K/D 0°C to +70°c Dice "
Minimum Component Count Analog Systems _
Digital Offset/Gain Adjustment MX7225LEWG MO C to +85 C 24 Wide SO tl
Industrial Process Control MX7225KEWG -40°C to +85°C 24 Wide so "
Arbitrary Function Generators MX7225KERG -40°C to +85°C 24 CERDIP* "
Automatic Test Equipment . . MX722500 -40°C to +85°C 24 CERDIP* tl
Microprocessor-Controlled Calibration
. MX722580 APC to +85°C 24 CERDIP' "
Functional Brook Diagram MX7225UQ -55°c to +125°C 24 CERDIP* tl
v 's'"'," 1'tf 'h, MX7225TO -55°C to +125°C 24 CERDIP" "
[ MX7226KN 0°C to +70°C 20 Plastic DIP "
2 o o .
22J, ' 2l'sie :) me A W - MX7226KCWP o C to +70 C 20 Wide so "
A A ' MX7226KP 0°C to +70°C 20 PLCC "
l l l l; l MX7226K/D 0°C to +70°C Dice "
DB, Jlh i) negécm (y m a ma l MX7226KEWP -40°c to +35°c 20 Wide so "
(Imol i I t l I MX722680 -40''C) to +85°C 20 CERDIP "
i/it.; MX7226TE -55°c to new: 20 LCC' "
"i" i) "rlml ) W C . yang MX7226TQ -55°C to +125°C 20 CERDIP' "
MX7226TD -55°C to +125°C 20 Ceramic SB "
ll l l l
ggl, c) “EASE“! 3) mac o _ l . Contact factory for availability and processing to MIL-STD4383B.
_ u u ' mo .
“‘1 Bi l 1
w lil WW MAXIM
Liyy0 MX7225
Al LL:
__a la ls l7
MAXIM Maxim Integrated Products 1
Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for treeuiamptes or literature.
i MX7225/MX7226
CMOS Quad B-Bi t D/A Converters
vm, t0 AGND .................................... -0.3V, +17V
Vrars to DGND ...Fr..F.q......t.....e.e......mm.t. -o.3v, +17V
Vss to AGND F..................................... -7v, vDD
Vss to DGND .............. -7v, la,
vDD to Vss .................................. -o.3v. +24v
Digital Input Voltage to DGNb .rrr.rm.e............ -0.3V, Von
vREF to AGN D ............................... -o.3v, Voo
Vour to AGND (Note 1) .............................. Vss, Vor,
Power Dissipation (Any Package) to '75''C ............ 500mW
Derating above +75''C 2mW/°C
Operating Temperature
Commercial (MX722XK/L) .................... tPC to +70°C
Industrial (MX722XB/C) ..W......F.r..r..... -25°C to +85°C
Military (MX722XT/U) ....._.............. -55''C to +125°C
Storage Temperature ........................ -65° C to +150° C
Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 secs) ................ +300°C
Stresses above moss listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods rmly affect device reliability
(vDD = +11.4V to +16.5v. Vss = -5V 110%. AGND = DGND = ov, VREF = +2V to (VDD - 4V),
Over Temperature unless otherwise noted.)
Resolution 8 Bits
Total Unadjusted Error x::::+1153/f5% 'ffJ,2t'e,,"lfvel," C-LI, LSB
Relative Accuracy 'A%2tili,c/le,e/df ff LSB
Differential Nonlinearity Guaranteed Monotonic :1 LSB
MX7225LM/t3tyut2 _f14
Full Scale Error MX7225KN/BtNTt2 tl LSB
All other devices 11%
Full Scale Temperature Coefficient VREF = +1OV i5 ppmf''C
Mx.7225LN/ca/ut2, TA-- - +25°C t15
Zero Code Error MX7225KN/BQ/TQ $13338 :33 mV
All other devices, Over Temp. t30
Zero Code Temperature Coefficient :30 pV/°C
Reference Input Voltage Range Vnzr 2 Von - 4 V
Reference Input Resistance F‘nsr mgggg 121 kn
Reference Input Capacitance MX7225 100
(Code Dependent, Note 3) CHEF MX7226 65 300 pF
ChanneI-to-Channel Isolation Vner = 10kHz, 10Vp_p (Note 2) -60 dB
AC Feedthrough VREF . 10kHz, 10Vrs, (Note 2, 4) -70 dB
Digital input High Voltage VIN” 2.4 V
Digital Input Low Voltage VINL 0.8 v
Digital Input Leakage Current " = 0V or Vim :1 IA
Digital Input Capacitance (Note 2) 8 PF
Voltage Output Slew Rate . (Note 2) . 3 V/ys
Voltage Output Settling Time to ‘ALSB VRE; = 'lov, 4 “s
(Pos. or Neg. Full Scale Change) 2m and 100pF Load (Note 2)
Digital Feedthrough and Crosstalk All ty s ta 1' s code change (Note 4) 50 nv-s
Output Load Resistance VOUT = +10V 2 kit
Not. 1:
current to AGND is 25mA.
Sample tested at m25''C to ensure compliance.
Guaranteed by design, Not production tested.
Note 2:
Note 3:
Nola l:
The outputs may be shorted to AGND provided that the power dissipation of the package is not exceeded Typical short circuit
Feedthrough is reduced by connecting the metal lid on the ceramic package (suffix D) to DGND. (Mx7226 only)