MX7224KCWN ,CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output AmplifierGeneral Description
The MX7224 is a precision voltage-output CMOS
digital-to-analog converter ( ..
MX7224KEWN ,CMOS, Double-Buffered, 8-Bit DAC with Voltage-Output AmplifierFeatures
. Voltage Output
. Complete DAC with Output Amplifier
. Single 07 Dual Supply Operation ..
MX7224KN ,CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output Amplifier79-0308, Rev 7, 7/95
CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output Amplifier
MX7224LCWN ,CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output Amplifier79-0308, Rev 7, 7/95
CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output Amplifier
MX7224LCWN ,CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output AmplifierFeatures
. Voltage Output
. Complete DAC with Output Amplifier
. Single or Dual Supply Opera ..
MX7224LCWN ,CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output AmplifierApplications
Automatic Calibration
Motion Control
Digital Attenuators
Function Generators ..
NDS0605 ,P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description These P-Channel enhancement mode field effect • −0.18A, −60V. R = 5 ..
NDS0610 ,P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorFeaturesThese P-Channel enhancement mode power field -0.18 and -0.12A, -60V. R = 10ΩDS(ON)effect tr ..
NDS0610_NL ,P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorGeneral Description These P-Channel enhancement mode field effect • −0.12A, −60V. R = 10 ..
NDS0610_NL ,P-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications requiring a low current high side switch. DDSG S GSOT-23 oAbsolute Maximum Ratings ..
NDS331 ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDS332 ,P-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ASymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output Amplifier
AVU/il 2t l] AVE
CMOS 8-Bit DAG with Output Amplifier
General Description
The MX7224 is a precision voltage-output CMOS
digital-to-analog converter (DAC) which includes an
output amplifier on chip. Only an external reference
source IS required for operation and the fully specified
accuracy is achieved With no external trims.
Double buffered interface logic is included to allow
simultaneous updating in systems which have several
DAC Jirpannelsjtgtperation. Control is provided by
CS, WR. and LDAC (Load DAC) inputs. A RESET
input is provided which acts as a zero override. All
logic inputs are compatible with TTL and 5V CMOS
logic levels,
Specified Performance is guaranteed for reference
inputs ranging from +2V to +12.5V when using dual
supplies. With a *10V reference the performance is
also specified for single supply operation. The DAC
output can drive +10V into a 2k0 load.
Automatic Calibration
Motion Control
Digital Attenuators
Function Generators
---- Functional Diagram
__i_._ ----- -- Features
. Voltage Output
t Complete DAC with Output Amplifier
. Single or Dual Supply Operation
. 1 LSB Unadjusted Error
. Double Buffered Logic Inputs
Ordering Information
_ far" _ _TEMP. RANGEWPACKAGT H7105 -,
0x733“: 0°C to .70‘c Plasti_c_ DIP 01LSB
W7224LN7 -1''C_to Jocc Plastic DE l [l-SA
MX/ezakb (rc to aouc Dice ' L88 -
M.‘tKCWN occ to ‘70°C wigs o izisa
MX7224LCWN ICC P, o7o~cw_wide s o_~_1 LSB l
Elam: 735,30 .85'C CERDIL 'iv-im, a
MX7224CO -25"C to ‘85°C CERPIP" -i LSB
Wiwmm -55''C lo ~195-3c Ceramic gisa _
MX74UD -55"C to '1RE'9'GFTHC ‘1 ‘.Si:§
kmx7224o tsrc-tc, »125=c CFRDIF: 7'; L581
MX7794LiQi -- -55°c to +cas_oc_cEruV A J Ish:',
.=el,rs 18 lead packagesi
.. Marin) reserves ttre ugh! in ship Ceramic packages in lieu ul
CEHDIP packages
-_-_- Pin Configuration
Top View
Mr Van
MS8 m I MO
:m REG'SYER mm» 2 vow ilss [I
lil 13 VDUTE
" ", r-- MX7224
WP I cannon zvmxma DGND 3
mt Lomc MX 7224 [187 IMSB] [E
Wss mu am
i UE4[9_
MAXIM _Maximlntegrated Products 1
Call ton free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.
MX 7224
CMOS 8-Bit DAC with Output Amplifier
VDD to AGND ............................. -() 3V, +17V Power Dismpation (Any Package) to +7500 ...... 450mw
VDC to DGND '_rwwr.'_'wr_r__._F_w_._r.._.. -0 3V, '17V Derallng above ~75°C ........................ GmW."-C
AGND to DGND VFP-___---..-- -() 3V, Va, Operating Temperature
l/rs to DGND .......................... -7V,Vrx, ' 03V MX7224K/L m_Frw__'wr___..w.w_w_.w_rw_.te 0”C to t70"C
VDU to i/ss, ............................... -0 3V, +24V MX7224A/B ......................... -25''C to '85''C
Dlgltal Input Voltage to DGND .............. -0 3V, Vor, MX7224T/U ......................... -55"C to 42550
VREF to AGND .............................. -0/W, Vor) Storage Temperature .................. -65:'C to +1602C)
Vow to DGND ._._..lVV.-FtFr_P..l.eF, Vss, VDD Lead Temperature (Soldering 10 secs) ........... t3000C
The output may be shorted to AGND provided that the power dissipation of the package Is not exceeded. Typical short cnrcun current to
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Fianngs" may cause permanent damage to the dewce These are stress razmgs only, and
luncnonal operation of the dewce at these Of any other conditions above those mdlcaled m the operational secnons of the specmcahons IS no!
mphed Exposure to absolule manmum ratings condmons for extended periods may affect dewce rehabiirty
(VDD - +11,4V to +16EV, Vss _- -51/ 110%, AGND : DGND - 0V. VRE; = r2V to ' - 4V) (Note l), Over Temperature unless
otherWIse noted.)
Resolution 8 Bits
V : 10V MX7224L/C/U l 1
Total Unadjusted Error VSED‘: (ll) L 5% MX7224K/B/T i LSB
Relative Accuracy rexx77'iih/fii//r) 's) LSB
Drfferen0al Nonhnearity Guaranteed Monotonic J 11 Li,
Full Scale Error MX7224L/C/U fl LSB
l ' _ MX7224K/B/T tl'',
rFull Scale Temperature _ u
Coethcent VREF - '10V t5 ppm/ C
MX7224L/C/U :20 T
Zero Code Error MX7224K/8/T t30 mV
Zero Code Temperature MX7224L/C/U 130 Nr'ri,
Coeihcnent MX7224K/B/T ur50 "
f - f-.,-'" - -
Reference Input Voltage Range VRE: 2 V00 - 4 V
Reference Input Resistance VRE; 8 ( k0
Reference Input Capacitance l
(Code Dependent, Note 2) Cam DAC at full scale code, 100 pF _
Dotal Input High Voltage v, 24 I v "
Dlguxal Input Low Voltage V,NL 08 V A
Dlgllal input Leakage Current I VIN : 0V or Vm, fl “A _
, Dngnm Input Capacitance 8 F
l (Note 2) p