MX566AJN ,High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A ConvertersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS
(TA = +25° C, Vcc = +15V (MX565A only), VEE = -15V, unless noted)
MX574AJCWI ,Industry Standard Complete 12-Bit A/D ConvertersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - MAX174 (continued)
(h = +5V, Vcc: = +15V or +12V, VEE = -15V or -12 ..
MX574AJD ,Industry-Standard, Complete 12-Bit ADCsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—MAX174(V = +5V, V = +15V or +12V, V = -15V or -12V, T = +25NC, unless ot ..
MX574AJEPI ,Industry Standard Complete 12-Bit A/D ConvertersFeatures
. Complete ADC with Reference and Clock
. 12-Bit Resolution and Linearity
. No Missin ..
MX574AJEWI ,Industry Standard Complete 12-Bit A/D ConvertersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS - MAX174 (continued)
(h = +5V, Vcc: = +15V or +12V, VEE = -15V or -12 ..
MX574AJEWI+ ,Industry-Standard, Complete 12-Bit ADCs19-2765; Rev 3; 8/11EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLEMAX174/MX574A/MX674AIndustry-Standard, Complete 12-Bit ..
NDM3000 ,3 Phase Brushless Motor DriverMay 1996 NDM30003 Phase Brushless Motor Driver
NDM3001 ,3 Phase Brushless Motor DriverElectrical Characteristics (Note 1) Q3+Q6 or Q5+Q2 or Q5+Q4 Q1+Q4 or Q1+Q6 or Q3+Q2 or J ..
NDM3001 ,3 Phase Brushless Motor DriverGeneral DescriptionBrushless Motor Driver 3 Phase NDM3001 FebruaryRθRθ (T = 25°C unle ..
NDP4050L ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications._______________________________________________________________________________ DGSAbs ..
NDP4050L ,N-Channel Logic Level Enhancement Mode Field Effect TransistorElectrical Characteristics (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CSymbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Ma ..
NDP4060 ,N-Channel Enhancement Mode Field Effect Transistorapplications. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ..
High Speed 12-Bit Monolithic D/A Converters
AVH/il 2t LAM]
High Speed 12-Bit
Monolithic D/A Converters
------- General Description
The MXSSSA and MX566A are 12-bit monolithic digital
to analog converters (DACs) built in bipolar tech-
nology that offer an excellent combination of high
speed settling and :‘ALSB linearity. The MX565A also
features an on-chip precision 10V reference, whereas
the MX566A requires an external reference
Laser trimming of the on chip thin film resistor net-
works achieve :‘thSB typical linearity (:VaLSB max.)
at +25° C. Full scale settling time to icy: LSB is specifed
at 250ns max. for the MX565A and 350ns max. for the
MX566A. This high speed and accuracy makes the
MX565A and MX566A DACs ideal choices for fast
analog to digital converters and CRT display drivers.
The MX565A and MX566A contain onboard applica-
tion resistors that can be used as feedback and offset
resistors with an external output amplifier to generate
unipolar and bipolar outputs or as the input resistors
in analog to digital converter applications. The excel-
lent matching and tracking of the DAC's current
setting resistor and application resistors assure good
gain stability over both time and temperature.
Applica tions
High Speed Display Drivers
High Speed Control Systems
High Speed A/D Converters
Data Acquisition Systems
Test Equipment
- Features
. 250ns Settling to thLSB
. Montoniclty Guaranteed Over Temperature
t TTL and CMOS Logic Compatiblllty
t High Stablllty Buried Zener 10V Reference
(MX565A Only)
. tyd.SB Linearity Guaranteed Over Temperature
(MX565AK,AT and MX566AK,AT Only)
. Low Power Consumption: 225mW
. Widely Second Sourced
--- - - - Ordering Information
'r7xissA5-irc% +70°c Fas-mc-ol-p" figs "
TdiisTpuf" Fcrti r70''C Ceramic i'zLSB
MX565AJO TCro ~70°C CERDIP" wLSB l
MX565AJCWG _0°C to +70“C Small Outline treLSB l
mxseéAEb -Tocrtcr,rrc Dicf;:£ _
17xssssluoi" 0°Cto +70% Plastic DIP “aLSB A
MXSEEKD: 0''C to Fdic" Ceramic - 2&8 ,
MX565AKO 0"C to ~70°c CERDIP" - f m_se l
MX565AKCWG 0°C to 40°C Small Outline :ULSB
MX565ASD -55''C to '125''C Ceramic -tvVsL
Wsssjsofssm to 425°C cenowif 9.4.33
,TmsixTph_sscc to 425°C Ceramic ‘t'zLSB
MX565ATO -sTc to nzsgc CERDIP“ - 'ILSB
. All devices - 24 lead packages
.. MAXIM reserves the right to ship Ceramic packages in New 0/
CERDIP packages
Ordering information for MX566A continued on back page
Pin Configurations
C- '" To View
m: od Tll. an I mssl m p we CE V L2:41 BIT l IMSBI m t
NEE 333mm m; E Esiizm I
1 hx ~15v [E [E an 3m REFERENCE "ll [i Ea] BIT a m
I as; am MW 31%] E £7 an 4 m #li1'//ll'oil [3 yd an m
REFERENCE "ll E IVI/‘XI/VI w BIT 5 IN REF ll "I m E va/JXI/Vl 2Ti, BIT 5 m
REFERENCE m cc MX565A El BITBIN gee [gum cc MX566A 'i') an 5m _
vEE -llig m Taf. m 7 m BIPOLAR urrsn n m 7 g en 7 m
mom onsn m Ti E an a m we [L _1_rj' an am
one OUT I-ZMA F 51 [a E an 9 m DAC our l-htth F tl a CE an 9 in
tow SPAN a Fe; CEI BIT 10 m m SPAN n F ff BIT m m
l 20vsP1ri8C(i) E] BITH m zovsmn E gen ll m
( POWER mm [Q li an llb88llrl P0Wfflllliil F2 7315I112ILsalIN l
All I] X I [VI
Mlle/M is a reg stored trademark of Maxe Integrated Products
t Maxim Integrated Products 1
High Speed 12-Bit
Monolithic D/A Converters
Vcc to Power Ground (MX565A only) ................ 0V to +18V
VEE to Power Ground ............................ 0V to -18V
Voltage on DAC Output ........................... -3V to +12V
Digital lnputs(pins13to 24) to Power Ground ....... -1V to +7V
REF IN to Reference Ground ............................ 112V
Bipolar Offset to Reference Ground ..................... :12V
10V Span R to Reference Ground ........................ t12V
20V Span R to Reference Ground ........................ _ 24V
REF OUT (MX565A only)
Short Circuit to Power Ground .................. Continuous
Short to Vcc ............... Momentary
Storage Temperature ................. . -65'' C to -150'' C
Lead Temperature (Soldering. 10 sec) .H ......... -300'' C
Package Dissipation ................................. 1000mw
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratmgs' may cause permanent damage (a the dsvrce. These are stress ralmgs only, and Iunchonal
operanon of the dewce ar rhass or any other conditions above those indrcarsd m the operational sermons of the specrftcation vs not vmpned Exposure to
absolute maximum rattngs cwrditions for exiended periods may affect (he dewce rehammy
(TA = +25° C. Vcc = +15V (MX565A only), VEE I -15V, unless noted)
Data Inputs (Pins " to 24)
Input Voltage
Bit ON Logic "1" TTL or 5V CMOS '2.0 +5 5 +2.0 v5.5 V
Bit OFF Logic "O" TMIN to TMAX (Note 1) 0 +08 0 +0.8 v
Logic Current (each bit)
Bit ON Logic "I" *120 +300 v120 +300 PA
Bit OFF Logic "0" +35 '100 '35 +100 PA
Resolution 12 12 Bits
Output Current I "
Unipolar (all bits on) -1.6 -il,0 -2 4 -16 -2.0 -2 4 mA i
Bipolar (all bits on or off) 208 11.0 :1 2 t0 8 +110 1112 _ mA l
- ’T’ - t -l
Output Resistance _ 6 8 10 6 8 IO 1 kfl
(exclusive of span resistors) 1
Output Ottset 1
Unipolar 0.01 0.05 0 01 O 05
(adjustable to zero per Fig. 1) % otF S (
(Fig. 2, R, and R2 7 son fixed) 0.05 0.15 0 05 01
Output Capacitance 25 25 1
Output Compliance Voltage TN“N to Tou, -1 5 +10 -1.5 -10
'250 C Tlu -C't. - n Ll/a
Accuracy (0006) (0012) (0.003) (0 006) LSB
(error reiatrve to full scale) +.2 +32 'tu H (% ofF 5)
WIN to Tww (0 012) (O,018) (0 006) (0 012) (
Lhfterential Nonlinearity '25 C i2; 1‘“ L'a I-'. LSB
TMIN to TMM Monotonrcity Guaranteed "
Temperature Coefficients
MX565A with Internal Reierence 1
Unipolar Zero 1 2 1 2
Bipolar Zero 5 10 5 10 _
Gain (Full Scale)
MXSBSAJ 15 50 pprtv"C
MXSGSAK I 10 20 l l
1/X565AS 15 30 l I 1
MX565AT 1O 15
DwHerennal Nonlinearity 2 2 l
MX566A I (
Unipolar Zero 1 2 1 2
Bpolar Zero 5 10 l 5 10 1
(Sam (Full Scale) [ pprrr' C
MX566AJ. AS _ 7 IO 1
MX566AK AT 2 3 1
Ddierential Nonlinearlty l 2 2
2 _ lVl/l Xl/Vl