MTV32N25E ,N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon GateELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MTW16N40E ,TMOS POWER FET 16 AMPERES 400 VOLTS RDS(on) = 0.24 OHMELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MTW26N15E ,TMOS POWER FET 26 AMPERES 150 VOLTS RDS(on) = 0.095 OHMELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MTW35N15E ,TMOS POWER FET 35 AMPERES 150 VOLTS RDS(on) = 0.05 OHMELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JCharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
NB100ELt23LDR2 ,3.3V Dual Differential LVPECL to LVTTL Translator2NB100ELT23LTable 4. PECL DC CHARACTERISTICS V = 3.3 V, GND = 0 V (Note 2)CC−40°C 25°C 85°CMin Typ ..
NB100EP223 ,3.3V 1:22 Differential HSTL/PECL to HSTL Clock Driver with LVTTL Clock Select and Output Enable3AN1672/DSection 2: Translation from Different ECL Operating Mode Drivers to Non ECL ReceiversThe f ..
NB100EP223FA ,3.3V 1:22 Differential HSTL/PECL to HSTL Clock Driver with LVTTL Clock Select and Output Enable3AND8090/DAC Test BoardsAn example of an AC characteristic test board is shown inEach test device i ..
NB100EP223FAG , 3.3V1:22 Differential HSTL/PECL to HSTL Clock Driver with LVTTL Clock Select and Output Enable
NB100LVEP221FARG , 2.5V/3.3V 1:20 Differential HSTL/ECL/PECL Clock Driver
NB100LVEP222 ,2.5V/3.3V 1:15 Differential ECL/PECL w1/w2 Clock DriverPrepared byCleon PettyAPPLICATION NOTETodd PearsonECL Applications EngineeringThis application note ..
N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate
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N–Channel Enhancement–Mode Silicon GateThe D3PAK package has the capability of housing the largest chip
size of any standard, plastic, surface mount power semiconductor.
This allows it to be used in applications that require surface mount
components with higher power and lower RDS(on) capabilities. This
high voltage MOSFET uses an advanced termination scheme to
provide enhanced voltage–blocking capability without degrading
performance over time. In addition, this advanced TMOS E–FET is
designed to withstand high energy in the avalanche and commuta-
tion modes. The new energy efficient design also offers a drain–to–
source diode with a fast recovery time. Designed for low voltage,
high speed switching applications in surface mount PWM motor
controls and both ac–dc and dc–dc power supplies. These devices
are particularly well suited for bridge circuits where diode speed and
commutating safe operating areas are critical and offer additional
safety margin against unexpected voltage transients. Robust High Voltage Termination Avalanche Energy Specified Source–to–Drain Diode Recovery Time Comparable to a Discrete
Fast Recovery Diode Diode is Characterized for Use in Bridge Circuits IDSS and VDS(on) Specified at Elevated Temperature Short Heatsink Tab Manufactured – Not Sheared Specifically Designed Leadframe for Maximum Power Dissipation Available in 24 mm, 13–inch/500 Unit T ape & Reel, Add –RL Suffix to Part Number
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TC = 25°C unless otherwise noted)(1) When surface mounted to an FR4 board using the minimum recommended pad size.
Designer’s Data for “Worst Case” Conditions— The Designer’s Data Sheet permits the design of most circuits entirely from the information presented. SOA Limit
curves— representing boundaries on device characteristics— are given to facilitate “worst case” design.
E–FET and Designer’s are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. TMOS is a registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.
Thermal Clad is a trademark of the Bergquist Company.