MSP430F5524IZQER ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, USB, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 80-BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR -40 to 85Features1– Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference• Low Supply Voltage Range:Source (REFO)3.6 V Do ..
MSP430F5528IRGCR ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 64-VQFN -40 to 85block diagram for the MSP430F5528, MSP430F5526, MSP430F5524, andMSP430F5522 devices in the RGC and ..
MSP430F5528IRGCT ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 64-VQFN -40 to 85Features1– Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference• Low Supply Voltage Range:Source (REFO)3.6 V Do ..
MSP430F5528IZQER ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 80-BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR -40 to 85features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators thatcontribute to ma ..
MSP430F5529IPN ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 80-LQFP -40 to 85features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators thatcontribute to ma ..
MSP430F5529IPNR ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 8KB RAM, USB, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 80-LQFP -40 to 85Features1– Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference• Low Supply Voltage Range:Source (REFO)3.6 V Do ..
MUX28ET ,16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers(Overvoltage Protected)GENERAL DESCRIPTION
. JFET Switches Rather Than CMOS The MUX-16 is a monolithic 16-ohannel analo ..
MUX28FT ,16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers(Overvoltage Protected)ANALOG Iii-Channel/hal 8-Ohannel JFET
DEVICES Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)
Milli ..
MV104 ,Silicon Tuning DiodeELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted) (EACH DIODE)ACharacteristic Symbol Min ..
MV209 ,Silicon Epicap Diode3MMBV109LT1, MV209SOLDER STENCIL GUIDELINESPrior to placing surface mount components onto a printed ..
MV2101 ,Silicon Tuning DiodeMAXIMUM RATINGS1Rating Symbol Value UnitXXX M2Reverse Voltage V 30 VdcRTO–236AB, SOT–23CASE 318–08 ..
16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, USB, 64KB Flash, 4KB RAM, 12Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32Bit HW MPY 80-BGA MICROSTAR JUNIOR -40 to 85
Sample &
Tools &
Support &
MSP430F5529, MSP430F5528, MSP430F5527, MSP430F5526
MSP430F5525, MSP430F5524, MSP430F5522, MSP430F5521
MSP430F5519, MSP430F5517, MSP430F5515, MSP430F5514, MSP430F5513SLAS590M –MARCH 2009–REVISED NOVEMBER 2015
MSP430F552x, MSP430F551x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers Device Overview
1.1 Features Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference• Low Supply Voltage Range: Source (REFO)3.6V Downto 1.8V 32-kHz Watch Crystals (XT1)• Ultra-Low Power Consumption High-Frequency Crystals upto32 MHz (XT2)– Active Mode (AM): 16-Bit Timer TA0, Timer_A With Five• All System Clocks Active: Capture/Compare Registers– 290 µA/MHzat8 MHz, 3.0V, Flash • 16-Bit Timer TA1, Timer_A With ThreeProgram Execution (Typical) Capture/Compare Registers– 150 µA/MHzat8 MHz, 3.0V, RAM • 16-Bit Timer TA2, Timer_A With ThreeProgram Execution (Typical) Capture/Compare Registers– Standby Mode (LPM3): • 16-Bit Timer TB0, Timer_B With Seven• Real-Time Clock (RTC) With Crystal, Capture/Compare Shadow RegistersWatchdog, and Supply Supervisor • Two Universal Serial Communication InterfacesOperational, Full RAM Retention, Fast Wake USCI_A0 and USCI_A1 Each Support:up: Enhanced UART Supports Automatic Baud-– 1.9 µAat 2.2V, 2.1 µAat 3.0V (Typical)
Rate Detection• Low-Power Oscillator (VLO), General- IrDA Encoder and DecoderPurpose Counter, Watchdog, and Supply
Supervisor Operational, Full RAM Retention, • Synchronous SPI
Fast Wake up: – USCI_B0 and USCI_B1 Each Support: 1.4 µAat 3.0V (Typical) •I2C– Off Mode (LPM4): • Synchronous SPI Full RAM Retention, Supply Supervisor • Full-Speed Universal Serial Bus (USB)Operational, Fast Wake up: – Integrated USB-PHY– 1.1 µAat 3.0V (Typical) – Integrated 3.3-V and 1.8-V USB Power System– Shutdown Mode (LPM4.5): – Integrated USB-PLL• 0.18 µAat 3.0V (Typical) – Eight Input and Eight Output Endpoints• Wakeup From Standby Modein 3.5µs (Typical) • 12-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)• 16-Bit RISC Architecture, Extended Memory,upto (MSP430F552x Only) With Internal Reference,25-MHz System Clock Sample-and-Hold, and Autoscan Feature• Flexible Power Management System • Comparator Fully Integrated LDO With Programmable • Hardware Multiplier Supports 32-Bit OperationsRegulated Core Supply Voltage • Serial Onboard Programming, No External– Supply Voltage Supervision, Monitoring, and Programming Voltage Needed • Three-Channel Internal DMA • Basic Timer With RTC Feature for Frequency Stabilization • Section3 Summarizes Available Family Members For Complete Module Descriptions, See the User's