MSP430F5310IRGCR ,MSP430F530x Mixed Signal Microcontroller 64-VQFN -40 to 85features apowerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to ma ..
MSP430F5310IRGCT ,MSP430F530x Mixed Signal Microcontroller 64-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES23• Low Supply-Voltage Range: – Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference3.6 V Down to 1.8 V ..
MSP430F5328IRGCT ,MSP430F532x Mixed Signal Microcontroller 64-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES2• Low Supply Voltage Range: – Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference3.6 V Down to 1.8 V ..
MSP430F5418AIPNR ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi 80-LQFP -40 to 85Features1– Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference• Low Supply Voltage Range:Source (REFO)3.6 V Do ..
MSP430F5418IPN ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi 80-LQFP -40 to 85features a powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contributeto ma ..
MSP430F5418IPNR ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 128KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 12 Bit ADC, 2 USCIs, 32-bit HW Multi 80-LQFP -40 to 85Features1• Low Supply Voltage Range: 2.2 V to 3.6 V • 16-Bit Timer TA0, Timer_A With FiveCapture/Co ..
MUX08FS ,8-Chan/dual 4-Chan JFET Analog Multiplexers(Overvoltage & Power Supply loss Protected)
MUX16 ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)CHARACTERISTICS at VS = s15V and T, = +25°C, unless otherwise hoted. Continued
MUX-16A/E MUX-168 ..
MUX16 ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)applications. These multiplexers do
4009 MUX16BT* MUX168T0/883 - MIL not suffer from latch-up or s ..
MUX16AT/883C ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)CHARACTERISTICS at VS = s15V and T, = +25°C, unless otherwise hoted. Continued
MUX-16A/E MUX-168 ..
MUX16ET ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)applications. These multiplexers do
4009 MUX16BT* MUX168T0/883 - MIL not suffer from latch-up or s ..
MUX16E-T ,16-Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers(Overvoltage Protected)CHARACTERISTICS at VS = s15V and T, = +25°C, unless otherwise hoted. Continued
MUX-16A/E MUX-168 ..
MSP430F530x Mixed Signal Microcontroller 48-VQFN -40 to 85
MSP430F5310, MSP430F5309
MSP430F5308, MSP430F5304
MSP430F5310 and MSP430F530x Mixed-Signal Microcontrollers
Checkfor Samples: MSP430F5310, MSP430F5309, MSP430F5308, MSP430F5304
23• Low Supply-Voltage Range: – Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference
3.6V Downto 1.8V Source (REFO) Ultra-Low-Power Consumption – 32-kHz Watch Crystals (XT1) Active Mode (AM) – High-Frequency Crystals upto32 MHz
All System Clocks Active (XT2) 195 µA/MHz (Typical)at8 MHz,3V, • 16-Bit Timer TA0, Timer_A With Five
Flash Program Execution Capture/Compare Registers 115 µA/MHz (Typical)at8 MHz,3V, RAM • 16-Bit Timer TA1, Timer_A With Three
Program Execution Capture/Compare Registers Standby Mode (LPM3) • 16-Bit Timer TA2, Timer_A With Three
Capture/Compare Registers– Real-Time Clock (RTC) With Crystal,
Watchdog, and Supply Supervisor • 16-Bit Timer TB0, Timer_B With Seven
Operational, Full RAM Retention, Fast Capture/Compare Shadow Registers
Wake Up: • Two Universal Serial Communication
1.9 µA (Typical)at 2.2V, Interfaces (USCIs)
2.1 µA (Typical)at3V – USCI_A0 and USCI_A1 Each Support:– Low-Power Oscillator (VLO), General- – Enhanced UART Supports Auto-Purpose Counter, Watchdog, and Baudrate DetectionSupply Supervisor Operational, Full – IrDA Encoder and DecoderRAM Retention, Fast Wake Up: Synchronous SPI1.4 µA (Typical)at3V USCI_B0 and USCI_B1 Each Support:– Off Mode (LPM4)
Full RAM Retention, Supply Supervisor –I2C
Operational, Fast Wake Up: – Synchronous SPI
1.1 µAat3V (Typical) • Integrated 3.3-V Power System Shutdown Mode (LPM4.5) • 10-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) With0.18 µAat3V (Typical) Window Comparator Modein Less Than • Comparator • Hardware Multiplier Supports 32-Bit Memory, Operations Clock No External Needed • Three-Channel • Basic Timer– Supply Voltage Monitoring, • Table1 Members For Complete Module See MSP430x5xx and Guide (SLAU208) Internal Clock