MSP430F47187IPZR ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver 100-LQFP -40 to 85MSP430F471x3,MSP430F471x6,MSP430F471x7MIXEDSIGNALMICROCONTROLLERSLAS626C -- OCTOBER 2008 -- REVISED ..
MSP430F4793IPZR ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2.5KB RAM, 3 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver 100-LQFP -40 to 85featuresa powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to ma ..
MSP430F4794IPZ ,16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 60KB Flash, 2KB RAM, 4 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver 100-LQFP -40 to 85featuresa powerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to ma ..
MSP430F5308IRGCR ,MSP430F530x Mixed Signal Microcontroller 64-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES23• Low Supply-Voltage Range: – Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference3.6 V Down to 1.8 V ..
MSP430F5310IRGCR ,MSP430F530x Mixed Signal Microcontroller 64-VQFN -40 to 85features apowerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to ma ..
MSP430F5310IRGCT ,MSP430F530x Mixed Signal Microcontroller 64-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES23• Low Supply-Voltage Range: – Low-Frequency Trimmed Internal Reference3.6 V Down to 1.8 V ..
MUX08FQ ,8-Chan/dual 4-Chan JFET Analog Multiplexers(Overvoltage & Power Supply loss Protected)
MUX08FS ,8-Chan/dual 4-Chan JFET Analog Multiplexers(Overvoltage & Power Supply loss Protected)
MUX16 ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)CHARACTERISTICS at VS = s15V and T, = +25°C, unless otherwise hoted. Continued
MUX-16A/E MUX-168 ..
MUX16 ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)applications. These multiplexers do
4009 MUX16BT* MUX168T0/883 - MIL not suffer from latch-up or s ..
MUX16AT/883C ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)CHARACTERISTICS at VS = s15V and T, = +25°C, unless otherwise hoted. Continued
MUX-16A/E MUX-168 ..
MUX16ET ,16 Channel/Dual 8-Channel JFET Analog Multiplexers (Overvoltage Protected)applications. These multiplexers do
4009 MUX16BT* MUX168T0/883 - MIL not suffer from latch-up or s ..
16-Bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM, 7 Sigma-Delta ADCs, LCD Driver 100-LQFP -40 to 85
Low Supply-Voltage Range: 1.8Vto 3.6V Ultralow Power Consumption-- Active Mode: 350 Aat1MHz,
2.2V-- Standby Mode: 1.1 A
-- Off Mode (RAM Retention): 0.2 A
Five Power-Saving Modes Wake-Up From Standby Modein LessThan6s
16-Bit RISC Architecture,62.5-ns Instruction Cycle Time Three-Channel Internal DMA Three, Sixor Seven 16-Bit Sigma-DeltaAnalog-to-Digital (A/D) Converters WithDifferential PGA Inputs 16-Bit Timer_B With Three Capture/Compare-With-Shadow Registers 16-Bit Timer_A With ThreeCapture/Compare Registers On-Chip Comparator Four Universal Serial CommunicationInterface (USCI) Modules-- USCI_A0 and USCI_A1-- Enhanced UART SupportingAuto-Baudrate Detection-- IrDA Encoder and Decoder-- Synchronous SPI-- USCI_B0 and USCI_B1-- I2C-- Synchronous SPI Integrated LCD Driver With ContrastControl for Upto 160 Segments Basic Timer With Real-Time Clock Feature 32-Bit Hardware Multiplier Brownout Detector Supply Voltage Supervisor/Monitor WithProgrammable Level Detection Serial Onboard Programming,No External Programming Voltage NeededProgrammable Code Protection by SecurityFuse Bootstrap Loader On-Chip Emulation Module Family Members IncludeMSP430F47163: 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM3 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47173: 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM3 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47183: 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM3 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47193: 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM3 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47126: 56KB Flash, 4KB RAM6 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47166: 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM6 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47176: 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM6 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47186: 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM6 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47196: 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM6 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47127: 56KB Flash, 4KB RAM7 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47167: 92KB Flash, 4KB RAM7 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47177: 92KB Flash, 8KB RAM7 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47187: 116KB Flash, 8KB RAM7 Sigma-Delta ADCsMSP430F47197: 120KB Flash, 4KB RAM7 Sigma-Delta ADCs Availableina 100-Pin Plastic QuadFlatpack (QFP) Package For Complete Module Descriptions, See theMSP430x4xx Family User’s Guide,Literature Number SLAU056 For E-Meter Reference Design andSoftware, See ImplementationofaThree-Phase Electronic Watt-Hour Meterusing the MSP430F471xx, LiteratureNumber SLAA409This integrated circuit canbe damagedby ESD. Texas Instruments recommends thatall integrated circuitsbe handled with
appropriate precautions. Failure toobserveproper handlingandinstallationprocedurescan causedamage. ESD damage canrange
from subtle performance degradationto complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits maybe more susceptibleto damage
because very small parametricchanges could cause thedevicenotto meetits published specifications. These deviceshavelimited
built-in ESD protection.
Pleasebe aware thatan important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and usein critical applicationsof
Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appearsatthe endofthis data sheet.