MSP430F2272IRHAR ,16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1K RAM 40-VQFN -40 to 85 SLAS504G –JULY 2006–REVISED AUGUST 2012MSP430F22x2 Device Pinout, DA PackageTEST/SBWTCK 1 38 P1.7/ ..
MSP430F2272IRHAT ,16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1K RAM 40-VQFN -40 to 85This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
MSP430F2272TRHAR ,16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1K RAM 40-VQFN -40 to 105features apowerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to ma ..
MSP430F2274IDAR ,16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1K RAM 38-TSSOP -40 to 85features apowerful 16-bit RISC CPU, 16-bit registers, and constant generators that contribute to ma ..
MSP430F2274IRHAR ,16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1K RAM 40-VQFN -40 to 85This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated cir ..
MSP430F2274IRHAT ,16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32KB Flash, 1K RAM 40-VQFN -40 to 85 SLAS504G –JULY 2006–REVISED AUGUST 2012MSP430F22x2 Device Pinout, DA PackageTEST/SBWTCK 1 38 P1.7/ ..
MURS115 ,1A 150V Ultrafast Rectifier2MURS120T3 SeriesMURS105T3, MURS110T3, MURS115T3, MURS120T3108040T = 175°CJ7.0 = ..
MURS115T3 ,1A 150V Ultrafast RectifierELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (Note 1) v VF(i = 1.0 A, T = 25°C) ..
MURS120 ,Fast / Super-Fast / Ultra-Fast Recovery RectifiersMAXIMUM RATINGSMURS115T3 120T3 140T3 160T3105T3 110T3Rating Symbol UnitPeak Repetitive Reverse Volt ..
MURS120T3G ,Surface Mount Ultrafast Power RectifiersELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSMaximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage (Note 1) v VF(i = 1.0 A, T = 25°C) ..
MURS140 ,Fast / Super-Fast / Ultra-Fast Recovery Rectifiers30-Jul-02 1MURS140 and MURS160Vishay Semiconductorsformerly General SemiconductorRatings and Charac ..
16-bit Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller, 32kB Flash, 1K RAM
www.ti.com SLAS504G –JULY 2006–REVISED AUGUST 2012
23• Low Supply Voltage Range: 1.8Vto 3.6V • Two Configurable Operational Amplifiers
(MSP430F22x4 Only)• Ultra-Low Power Consumption Brownout Detector– Active Mode: 270µAat1 MHz, 2.2V Serial Onboard Programming, No External– Standby Mode: 0.7µA Programming Voltage Needed, Programmable– Off Mode (RAM Retention): 0.1µA Code Protection by Security Fuse• Ultra-Fast Wake-Up From Standby Modein • Bootstrap LoaderLess Than1µs On-Chip Emulation Module• 16-Bit RISC Architecture, 62.5-ns Instruction • Family Members Include:Cycle Time MSP430F2232• Basic Clock Module Configurations 8KB+ 256B Flash Memory– Internal Frequencies upto16 MHz With
Four Calibrated Frequenciesto ±1% – 512B RAM Internal Very-Low-Power Low-Frequency – MSP430F2252
Oscillator – 16KB+ 256B Flash Memory 32-kHz Crystal – 512B RAM High-Frequency (HF) Crystal upto16 MHz – MSP430F2272 Resonator – 32KB+ 256B Flash Memory External Digital Clock Source – 1KB RAM External Resistor – MSP430F2234 16-Bit Timer_A With Three Capture/Compare – 8KB+ 256B Flash MemoryRegisters – 512B RAM 16-Bit Timer_B With Three Capture/Compare – MSP430F2254Registers – 16KB+ 256B Flash Memory• Universal Serial Communication Interface – 512B RAM– Enhanced UART Supporting Auto-Baudrate – MSP430F2274Detection (LIN) – 32KB+ 256B Flash Memory Decoder 1KB RAM Availableina 38-Pin Thin Shrink Small-Outline Package (TSSOP) (DA), 40-Pin QFN Package (A/D) Ball Grid Array Package1) • For Complete MSP430x2xx Guide