MPC8245ARZU400D ,400MHz; V(dd): -0.3 to +2.2V; integrated processorthermal characteristics of this part, refer to the MPC8245 Integrated Processor Hardware Specificat ..
MPC8245ARZU466D ,466MHz; V(dd): -0.3 to +2.2V; integrated processormaximum ratings are stress ratings only, and functional operation at the maximums is not guaranteed ..
MPC8245LZU333D , MPC8245 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications
MPC8245LZU333D , MPC8245 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications
MPC8245LZU333D , MPC8245 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications
MPC8245RZU400D ,Part Number Specification for the MPC8245ARZUnnnX SeriesMaximum Ratings1Characteristic Symbol Range UnitSupply voltage—CPU core and peripheral logic V –0.3 ..
MSM9554 , LSI Devices for FM Multiplex Data Demodulation
MSM9560GS-2K , IC for FM Multiplex Data Demodulation
MSM9563GA , IC for FM Multiplex Data Demodulation
MSM9810BGS-BK , 8-Channel Mixing OKI ADPCM Type Voice Synthesis LSI
MSM9810BGS-BK , 8-Channel Mixing OKI ADPCM Type Voice Synthesis LSI
MSM9811GA , 4-Channel Mixing OKI ADPCM Type Voice Synthesis LSI
400MHz; V(dd): -0.3 to +2.2V; integrated processor
Freescale SemiconductorAdvance Information
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein
This document describes part-number-specific changes to
recommended operating conditions and revised electrical
specifications, as applicable, from those described in the general
MPC8245 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications
(Order No. MPC8245EC). The MPC8245 combines a
PowerPC™ MPC603e core with a PCI bridge.
Specifications provided in this document supersede those in the
MPC8245 Integrated Processor Hardware Specifications, Rev. 3
or later, for the part numbers listed in Table A only.
Specifications not addressed in this document are unchanged.
Because this document is frequently updated, refer to
http:// or to your Freescale sales office for the
latest version.
Note that headings and table numbers in this document are not
consecutively numbered. They are intended to correspond to the
heading or table affected in the general hardware specification.
Part numbers addressed in this document are listed in Table A. For
more detailed ordering information, see Section 9, “Ordering
Rev. 2, 07/2004
Part Number Specification for the
MPC8245ARZUnnnX SeriesFreescale Part Numbers Affected: