MOC2A60-10 ,OPTOISOLATOR 2 AMP ZERO CROSS TRIAC OUTPUT 600 VOLTS**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA by MOC2A60–10/D** * 2 Amp Zero–Cross Triac Outp ..
MOC3009 ,Photon coupled isolator. Ga As infrared emitting diode & light activated triac driver.
MOC3009 ,Photon coupled isolator. Ga As infrared emitting diode & light activated triac driver.
MOC3010M ,6-Pin DIP 250V Random Phase Triac Driver Output OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS • Industrial controls • Solenoid/valve controls• Traffic lights • Static AC power switc ..
MOC3010-M ,6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASE齇PTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT (250/400 VOLT PEAK)APPLICATIONS • Industrial controls • Solenoid/valve controls• Traffic lights • Static AC power switc ..
MOC3010SR2M ,6-Pin DIP 250V Random Phase Triac Driver Output OptocouplerFEATURES• Excellent I stability—IR emitting diode has low degradationFT• High isolation voltage—min ..
MSD602 ,Tech Electronics LTD - NPN General Purpose Amplifier Transistor Surface Mount
MSD602-RT1 ,NPN General Purpose Amplifier Transistor Surface MountMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C)ARating Symbol Value Unit CASE 318D–03, STYLE 1SC–59Collector–Base Voltag ..
MSD602-RT1G , NPN General Purpose Amplifier Transistor Surface Mount
MSD602-RT2 ,General Purpose Amplifier Transistor NPNMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C)ARating Symbol Value Unit CASE 318D–03, STYLE 1SC–59Collector–Base Voltag ..
MSD6100 ,Small Signal Dual Switch Diode
MSD6100RLRA ,Small Signal Dual Switch Diodehttp://onsemi.com2I , FORWARD CURRENT (mA)FC , DIODE CAPACITANCE (pF)DI , REVERSE CURRENTμ (A)RMSD6 ..
2 Amp Zero–Cross Triac OutputThis device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically
coupled to a zero–cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of
driving a load of up to 2 amps (rms) directly, on line voltages from 20 to 280 volts
ac (rms). Provides Normally Open Solid State AC Output with 2 Amp Rating 70 Amp Single Cycle Surge Capability Zero–Voltage Turn–on and Zero–Current Turn–off High Input–Output Isolation of 3750 vac (rms) Static dv/dt Rating of 400 Volts/μs Guaranteed 2 Amp Pilot Duty Rating Per UL508 117 (Overload Test)
and 118 (Endurance Test) [File No. 129224] CSA Approved [File No. CA77170–1]. SEMKO Approved Certificate #9507228 Exceeds NEMA 2–230 and IEEE472 Noise Immunity Test Requirements (See Fig.14)
DEVICE RATINGS (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
TOTAL DEVICE Test voltages must be applied within dv/dt rating. Input–Output isolation voltage, VISO, is an internal device dielectric breakdown rating. For this test, pins 2, 3 and the heat tab are common, and pins 7 and 9 are common.
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