MN103000 ,Microcomputer
MN1237AD ,Microcomputers Application-Specific Standard-Product ICsFeaturesODispIays up to 60 characters(12 characters ><5 lines).044 Kinds of characters(5><7 dots) ( ..
MN12511 ,OthersMicrocontroller Peripheral LSIsMN12511Fluorescent Display Tube Driver LSI OverviewThe MN12511 is a ..
MN1280 ,Microcomputer Peripheral LSIs FeaturesOGenerates a reset signal at powerion time untilreaching a constant voltage.OGenerates a re ..
MN1380 ,CMOS LSIs for Voltage DetectionFeatures Three-pin element requiring no adjustment Wide selection of detection ranks (17 ranks betw ..
MN1380 ,CMOS LSIs for Voltage DetectionFeatures Three-pin element requiring no adjustment Wide selection of detection ranks (17 ranks betw ..
MPSA29 ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor Darlington
MPSA29 ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor Darlington
MPS-A29 ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor DarlingtonELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)ACharacteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit ..
MPSA29G , Darlington Transistors NPN Silicon
MPSA29RLRPG , Darlington Transistors NPN Silicon
MPSA42 ,Leaded Small Signal Transistor General PurposeTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSx = 2 or 3Characteristic Symbol Max UnitY = YearW = Work WeekThermal Resista ..