MMT05B260T3 ,Thyristor Surge ProtectorELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JDevices are bidirectional. All electri ..
MMT05B260T3G , Thyristor Surge Protectors High Voltage Bidirectional TSPD
MMT05B310T3 ,Thyristor Surge ProtectorMAXIMUM RATINGS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Jx = F, G or JRating Symbol Value UnitY = YearWW = ..
MMT05B310T3G , Thyristor Surge Protectors High Voltage Bidirectional TSPD
MMT05B350T3G , Thyristor Surge Protectors High Voltage Bidirectional TSPD
MMT08B064T3G ,Thyristor Surge ProtectorsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T = 25°C unless otherwise noted)JDevices are bidirectional. All electri ..
MPC866PVR133A , Hardware Specifications
MPC866PVR133A , Hardware Specifications
MPC866PZP133A , Hardware Specifications
MPC866TCVR100A , Hardware Specifications
MPC866TZP133A , Hardware Specifications
MPC870CZT133 , Hardware Specifications
Thyristor Surge Protectors
Preferred DevicesThyristor Surge Protectors
High Voltage Bidirectional TSPDThese Thyristor Surge Protective devices (TSPD) prevent
overvoltage damage to sensitive circuits by lightning, induction and
power line crossings. They are breakover−triggered crowbar
protectors. Turn−off occurs when the surge current falls below the
holding current value.
Secondary protection applications for electronic telecom equipment
at customer premises. High Surge Current Capability: 50 Amps 10 x 1000 μsec, for
Controlled Temperature Environments The MMT05B230T3 Series is used to help equipment meet various
regulatory requirements including: Bellcore 1089, ITU K.20 & K.21,
IEC 950, UL 1459 & 1950 and FCC Part 68. Bidirectional Protection in a Single Device Little Change of Voltage Limit with Transient Amplitude or Rate Freedom from Wearout Mechanisms Present in Non−Semiconductor
Devices Fail−Safe, Shorts When Overstressed, Preventing Continued
Unprotected Operation Surface Mount Technology (SMT) Indicates UL Registered − File #E210057 Device Marking: MMT05B230T3: RPBF; MMT05B260T3: RPBG;
MMT05B310T3: RPBJ, and Date Code
MAXIMUM RATINGS (TJ = 25°C unless otherwise noted)