MMSZ5244B ,14V; 500mW surface mount zener diode. General purpose; Ideally suited for automated assembly processes
MMSZ5244BT1 ,Plastic surface mount zener diode 500 milliwattsTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICSCharacteristic Symbol Max UnitCASE 318-07, STYLE 8SOT-23 (TO-236AB)Total Dev ..
MMSZ5244BT1 ,Plastic surface mount zener diode 500 milliwattsFeatures• 500 mW Rating on FR−4 or FR−5 Board1 2• Wide Zener Reverse Voltage Range − 2.4 V to 110 V ..
MMSZ5244BT1G , Zener Voltage Regulators 500 mW SOD−123 Surface Mount
MMSZ5245 ,Zener DiodeThermal Characteristics (TA = 25°C unless otherwise noted)Parameter Symbol Value UnitZener Current ..
MMSZ5245B ,Zener DiodesMMBZ5221ELT1 SeriesZener Voltage Regulators225 mW SOT−23 Surface MountThis series of Zener diodes i ..
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14V; 500mW surface mount zener diode. General purpose; Ideally suited for automated assembly processes