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Synchronous Rectification, DC/DC Converter, Programmable Integrated Controller
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Prepared by: Rick Honda and Scott Deuty
Motorola, Inc.
INTRODUCTIONThis paper will describe an easy method to analyze perfor-
mance of various power MOSFETs in step down switching
regulators using the PSPICE circuit analysis tool. A compari-
son will be made between circuit simulation results and the
measured performance described in Motorola Application
Note AN1520.
The utility of having a model which closely simulates switch-
ing performance is that different MOSFETs and diodes can be
used in the model and comparisons can be made for proper
performance vs. price, size, etc. prior to building breadboards.
Actual hardware should always be used to verify perfor-
mance, but a good simulation model gives the designer a
means of trying various combinations of parts quickly to see
how well they work in a particular circuit.
The Motorola semiconductor components website has
SPICE, PSPICE, HSPICE, and Saber models available to down-
load for numerous n–channel and p–channel MOSFET s along
with several power rectifiers. Application Note AN1520 [1] can be
found at www.mot–sps.com/books/apnotes.
It should be noted that a full version of PSPICE is needed
to run these simulations, the numerous demo versions do not
support the complexity of the MOSFET models. A copy of the
PSPICE circuit model listing is included for reference.
CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONThe circuit described in AN1520 is a 5 V to 3.3 V output buck
regulator using synchronous rectifiers. The paper gives an
overview on the operation of a buck regulator and the various
waveforms through the power components. Also included in
the application note are actual measurements of waveforms
and power dissipations.
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the circuit configuration.
A schematic of the circuit is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 1. Typical Buck Regulator Employing a Synchronous Rectifier(Source: Motorola Application Note AN1520)
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