MMBFJ108_NL ,N-Channel Switchapplications where very low on resistance is mandatory.2• Sourced from Process 58.TO-921 SuperSOT-3 ..
MMBFJ111 ,N-Channel Switch
MMBFJ111 ,N-Channel Switch
MMBFJ111 ,N-Channel Switch
MMBFJ112 ,N-Channel Switch
MMBFJ112 ,N-Channel Switch
MOC3052SM ,6-Pin DIP 600V Random Phase Triac Driver Output OptocouplerFEATURES• Excellent I stability—IR emitting diode has low degradationFT• High isolation voltage—min ..
MOC3052SR2M ,6-Pin DIP 600V Random Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASEOPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS(600 VOLT PEAK)MOC3051-M MOC3052-MPA ..
MOC3052SR2VM ,6-Pin DIP 600V Random Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASEOPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS(600 VOLT PEAK)MOC3051-M MOC3052-MPA ..
MOC3052TVM ,6-Pin DIP 600V Random Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASEOPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVERS(600 VOLT PEAK)MOC3051-M MOC3052-MPA ..
MOC3052VM ,6-Pin DIP 600V Random Phase Triac Driver Output OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS • Solenoid/valve controls• Lamp ballasts• Static AC power switch• Interfacing micropro ..
MOC3061 ,6V, 50mA optically coupled bilateral switch light activated zero voltage crossing triacMAXIMUM RATINGS2 5Rating Symbol Value UnitZERO3 CROSSING 4INFRARED EMITTING DIODECIRCUITReverse Vol ..
N-Channel Switch
J108/J109/J110/MMBFJ108 J108/J109/J110/MMBFJ108 N-Channel Switch 3 • This device is designed for digital switching applications where very low on resistance is mandatory. 2 • Sourced from Process 58. TO-92 1 SuperSOT-3 1 Marking: I8 1. Drain 2. Source 3. Gate 1. Drain 2. Source 3. Gate Absolute Maximum Ratings * T =25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Value Units V Drain-Gate Voltage 25 V DG V Gate-Source Voltage -25 V GS I Forward Gate Current 10 mA GF T , T Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range -55 ~ +150 °C J stg * These ratings are limiting values above which the serviceability of any semiconductor device may be impaired. NOTES: 1) These ratings are based on a maximum junction temperature of 150 degrees C. 2) These are steady state limits. The factory should be consulted on applications involving pulsed or low duty cycle operations. Electrical Characteristics T =25°C unless otherwise noted A Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Max. Units Off Characteristics V Gate-Source Breakdwon Voltage I = -10μA, V = 0 -25 V (BR)GSS G DS I Gate Reverse Current V = -15V, V = 0 -3.0 nA GSS GS DS V = -15V, V = 0, T = 100°C -200 nA GS DS A V (off) Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage V = 15V, I = 10nA 108 -3.0 -10 V GS DS D 109 -2.0 -6.0 V 110 -0.5 -4.0 V On Characteristics I Zero-Gate Voltage Drain Current * V = 15V, I = 0 108 80 mA DSS DS GS 109 40 mA 110 10 mA r (on) Drain-Source On Resistance V ≤ 0.1V, V = 0 108 8.0 Ω DS DS GS 109 12 Ω 110 18 Ω Small Signal Characteristics C (on) Drain Gate & Source Gate On V = 0, V = 0, f = 1.0MHz 85 pF dg DS GS C (off) Capacitance sg C (on) Drain-Gate Off Capacitance V = 0, V = -10, f = 1.0MHz 15 pF dg DS GS C (off) Source-Gate Off Capacitance V = 0, V = -10, f = 1.0MHz 15 pF sg DS GS * Pulse Test: Pulse Width ≤ 300μs, Duty Cycle ≤ 2.0% ©2002 Rev. B1, November 2002