MMBD770T1 ,Schottky Barrier Diodes**Order this documentSEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATABY MMBD110T1/D** * Schottky barrier diodes are des ..
MMBD914 ,Switching DiodesFeatures.122 (3.1)• Silicon Epitaxial Planar Diode.110 (2.8)• Fast switching diode in case SOT-23, ..
MMBD914L ,High-Speed Switching DiodeMaximum ratings are those values beyond which device damage can occur.
MMBD914LT1 ,High-Speed Switching DiodeTHERMAL CHARACTERISTICS3Characteristic Symbol Max Unit1Total Device Dissipation P 225 mWDFR−5 Board ..
MMBD914LT3 ,High-Speed Switching DiodeMaximum ratings applied to the device are individual stress limit values (notnormal operating condi ..
MMBD914-V-GS08 , Small Signal Switching Diode
MOC3021S ,On Technology Corporation - 6pin DIP photocoupler, triac driver output
MOC3021SR2M ,6-Pin DIP 400V Random Phase Triac Driver Output Optocoupler 6-PIN DIP RANDOM-PHASEOPTOISOLATORS TRIAC DRIVER OUTPUT(250/400 VOLT PEAK)MOC3010M MOC ..
MOC3021SR2M ,6-Pin DIP 400V Random Phase Triac Driver Output OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS • Industrial controls • Solenoid/valve controls• Traffic lights • Static AC power switc ..
MOC3022.S ,On Technology Corporation - 6pin DIP photocoupler, triac driver output
MOC3022M ,6-Pin DIP 400V Random Phase Triac Driver Output OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS • Industrial controls • Solenoid/valve controls• Traffic lights • Static AC power switc ..
MOC3022M ,6-Pin DIP 400V Random Phase Triac Driver Output OptocouplerFEATURES• Excellent I stability—IR emitting diode has low degradationFT• High isolation voltage—min ..
Schottky Barrier Diodes
-Schottky barrier diodes are designed primarily for high–efficiency UHF and
VHF detector applications. Readily available to many other fast switching RF
and digital applications. They are housed in the SOT–323/SC–70 package
which is designed for low–power surface mount applications. Extremely Low Minority Carrier Lifetime Very Low Capacitance Low Reverse Leakage Available in 8 mm Tape and Reel
DEVICE MARKINGThermal Clad is a registered trademark of the Bergquist Company.