MMBD2838 ,Small Signal Diode
MMBD2838 ,Small Signal Diode
MMBD2838LT1 ,Monolithic Dual Switching DiodesMAXIMUM RATINGS (EACH DIODE)Rating Symbol Value UnitCASE 318–08, STYLE 9Peak Reverse Voltage V 75 V ..
MMBD2838LT1G , Monolithic Dual Switching Diodes
MMBD2838LT1G , Monolithic Dual Switching Diodes
MMBD2838LT1G-- , Monolithic Dual Switching Diodes
MOC205R2M ,8-Pin SOIC Phototransistor Output OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS •Feedback Control Circuits N/C4 5EMITTER• Interfacing and coupling systems of differen ..
MOC205R2M ,8-Pin SOIC Phototransistor Output OptocouplerAPPLICATIONS •Feedback Control Circuits N/C4 5EMITTER• Interfacing and coupling systems of differen ..
MOC206 ,6V; 60mA optically coupled isolator transistor output
MOC206 ,6V; 60mA optically coupled isolator transistor output
MOC206 ,6V; 60mA optically coupled isolator transistor output
MOC206 ,6V; 60mA optically coupled isolator transistor output
Small Signal Diode